Trump Really Shouldn’t Fire Mueller rn

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 18, 2018

I think this is a bad idea.

There were points at which it could have been a good idea.

But that point is not now.

I don’t think he’s going to do it anyway.

Fox News:

Rumors spread by left-leaning groups alleging President Trump will fire special counsel Robert Mueller have begun prompting official action, with Pittsburgh’s police department preparing for an eventuality the commander-in-chief has said will never come.

Pittsburgh Police Commander Victor Joseph sent out an email to officers Wednesday saying “there is a belief that President Trump will soon move to fire Special Prosecutor Mueller,” which “would result in a large protest within 24 hours of the firing.

“Based on this information, beginning tomorrow, April 19, 2018 all Major Crimes detectives are required to bring a full uniform and any issued protective equipment (riot gear) with them to work until further notice,” the message added.

Joseph said the protest could happen in the city’s Central Business District. It was not clear how Pittsburgh police reached their “belief” that Trump would fire Mueller soon.

The WTAE reporter who broke news of the email said she confirmed the order with Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto. Peduto said the preparations were only precautionary.

I don’t understand why exactly this would be a specific Pittsburgh issue, and I don’t think the whole country would riot.

Suggesting this seems like a weird psy-op.

So maybe if they’re doing this kind of psy-op, it means now is a good time to fire him.

I think firing the entire Justice Department (and FBI) would make more sense.

Mueller has really reached the end of the line. The raid on Trump’s Jew lawyer was the last trick in his Yiddish hat of Jew tricks.