Trump Refuses to Call China – Sends Them a Letter Instead

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2017

The President has properly identified a real potential threat in China.

Ultimately, I think he’s going to work out a deal with them. The Chinese like deals. And you saw the way they backed off earlier this week.

But they have become accustomed to brutally raping our country, and Trump is making it clear them that that jig is up.

There’s a new sheriff in town.

Fox News:

President Donald Trump has issued belated well-wishes to China for the Lunar New Year, the most important holiday in the world’s most populous nation, saying he hoped to work with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to build a “constructive relationship.”

Trump had been the only U.S. president in recent years not to have issued greetings when the holiday fell on Jan. 28, triggering speculation in China as to whether it was an oversight or an intentional slight.

Trump doesn’t make oversights.

Moves are being calculated down to the last decimal.

A statement from the White House late Wednesday said Trump wrote to Chinese President Xi Jinping wishing the Chinese people greetings for the new year and the Lantern Festival that falls on Saturday.

“President Trump stated that he looks forward to working with President Xi to develop a constructive relationship that benefits both the United States and China,” the statement said.

China said it appreciated Trump’s holiday greeting.

When asked if Xi felt snubbed that Trump called other world leaders, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said, “This kind of remark is meaningless.”

Nick Bisley, an international relations expert at La Trobe University in Australia said Trump’s decision not to call Beijing is a sign of “bad times” ahead.

“China is very much being lined up by Trump’s people as not quite enemy number one but something approximating that,” Bisley said.

The prospect of a military confrontation over the South China Sea had also been raised by Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon when he hosted the conservative Breitbart News Daily radio show in 2015 and 2016.

Bannon said he envisioned the possibility of a U.S.-China war over the strategic waterbody within five to 10 years. China, which claims the sea virtually in its entirety, has been building man-made islands in the area and equipping them with airstrips and military installations.

Despite Trump’s confrontational image, Chinese internet users were warmed by a brief video clip of Donald Trump’s granddaughter singing in Chinese that circulated on the web earlier this month.

Yeah. I can guarantee every normal Chinese person – all Asians, in fact – love Trump simply because he’s a larger-than-life animated character. Asians are obsessively fixated on this personality type when it is displayed by white men. It brings to them the happiness that dressed up Disney characters bring to small children.