Trump Reveals Secret Communications with North Korea

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 18, 2018

As I’ve always said, “fixing” the North Korea situation would be a largely symbolic victory, as North Korea isn’t a real problem.

But an actual reunification would be somewhat amazing.

Maybe there are great k-pop stars just waiting to be freed from the happiness and contentment of hardcore communism.

CBS News:

President Trump on Tuesday said the U.S. has had high-level conversations with North Korea.

There was some confusion on Tuesday night when Mr. Trump took questions from reporters as to exactly who from the U.S. had spoken with North Korea, but ultimately White House press secretary Sarah Sanders released a statement clarifying that the “president said the administration has had talks at the highest levels and added that they were not with him directly.”

Earlier Tuesday, Mr. Trump said the U.S. has begun talking with North Korea “directly,” ahead of an intended U.S.-North Korea summit. Mr. Trump made the comments in a meeting with Abe at Mar-a-Lago.

“We’ve also started talking to North Korea directly. We have had direct talks at very high levels, extremely high levels, with North Korea,” Mr. Trump said. “I really believe there is a lot of good will, good things are happening — we’ll see what happens.”

There’s now a report that the new Secretary of State met with Kim Jong-Un directly.

The Hill:

CIA Director Mike Pompeo flew to North Korea earlier and met with the nation’s leader Kim Jong Un, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The shocking, top-secret trip took place during Easter weekend ahead of a possible summit between Trump and Kim later this year to discuss Pyongyang’s nuclear program.

The CIA, White House and North Korean government all refused to comment to the Post, which confirmed the meeting with two sources with direct knowledge of it.

I just hope it turns out Dennis Rodman was involved in this story somehow.

He has been repeatedly invited to North Korea, as Kim is a big basketball fan (an especially a fan of his, for whatever reason).

He also appeared on Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice.

He’s the only man on the planet who is personal friends with both Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump.

He was fired for not knowing how to spell by racist overlord Trump.

But they stayed friendly.

It would be kinda fun if he popped up in the story.