Trump Says He Won’t Fire the Criminal Traitor Robert Mueller

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2017

Despite having this to say Sunday about the traitor Robert Mueller using illegal means to acquire stolen emails from the Trump Team:

Not looking good. It’s not looking good. It’s quite sad to see that. My people are very upset about it. I can’t imagine there’s anything on ’em, frankly, because as we said, there’s no collusion. There’s no collusion whatsoever. A lot of lawyers thought that was pretty sad.

The President is saying he won’t fire the traitor, despite the illegal behavior.


US President Donald Trump confirmed on Sunday that he has no plans to sack FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the “Russia collusion” probe, recently marred by conflicts of interest and improper conduct claims.

Trump echoed various Republican officials who said over the weekend that he was not considering Mueller’s dismissal. “No, I’m not,” Trump said upon returning from a trip to Camp David.

With new accusations brought against the investigators by Trump’s transition team lawyer on Saturday, a number of high-profile White House officials came forward to tell the media that the president was not entertaining the option.

In a letter to Congress on Saturday, the lawyer, Kory Langhofer, alleged that Mueller’s office had violated the US constitution by “unlawfully” obtaining troves of emails from a government agency that hosted the transition team’s servers. The emails reportedly included confidential lawyer to client communication.

According to Langhofer, “tens of thousands” of emails were inappropriately managed by the General Service Administration, which handed over the emails without notifying the transition team.

Mueller was quick to dismiss the allegations, with his spokesman Peter Carr arguing on Sunday that the Special Counsel’s office followed due procedure when he sought the emails. “When we have obtained emails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation, we have secured either the account owner’s consent or appropriate criminal process,” he said, as cited by CNN.

Yeah – believe the guy who openly employs aggressive anti-Trump kikes in his witch hunt mania machine.

None of this is credible or believable anymore, and frankly it never was.

Although at least at the beginning, you had an ostensibly well-respect figure (who turned out to be a traitor) in James Comey pushing for this investigation.

Now we know for certain that there is a conspiracy to hoax a conspiracy. Robert Mueller has done so much hoaxing and trickery, he is now a nonviable actor. Nothing he says has any meaning.

The Golden Ticket in this chocolate bar is that the story that Trump was planning to fire the traitor Mueller was clearly planted by Trump.

It was Democrats who spread it.

In a Friday interview, Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-California) claimed that there was a “rumor” spreading among lawmakers that Trump was poised to fire Mueller before Christmas. She even named an exact date when Trump would make the decision: December 22.

The Democrats are pushing for bipartisan bills to be passed by Congress to protect Mueller from what they see as encroachment by Team Trump. Such measures are an “absolute necessary step,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said earlier in December.

The two bills, sponsored by Republicans and Democrats, seek to limit Trump’s ability to sack Mueller. The first one, put forward by Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Chris Coons (D-Del.) grants Mueller the possibility of a judicial review of the decision, while a bill by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.) requests Trump to get a federal court approval if he moves to fire Mueller.

Democrats would not randomly spread this rumor unless they believed it to be true, meaning it was purposefully leaked to them.

So, Trump wanted to get “I might fire him” into the discussion, get the idea into people’s heads that this can happen.

As we’ve said, now would be the perfect time to do it.

But what needs to happen is that the firing of the traitor Mueller needs to be accompanied by an investigation into the investigators. Jeff Sessions needs to open an investigation into the formation of the special counsel. This needs to cover:

  • Adam Schiff – key congressional kike who initially solidified the Russian conspiracy theory as a valid concept
  • James Comey – used leaks of his own materials to force the appointment of a special counsel
  • Hillary Clinton – paid for the fake pissgate “dossier” to be written and then allowed it to be distributed through the government as real intelligence while knowing it was a hoax
  • Fusion GPS – created a fake “dossier” involving piss-sex for money and hid this fact
  • John McCain – distributed the pissgate file while probably knowing it was fake
  • Robert Mueller and his team of Jews – running this whole macabre hoax
  • Various Jewish media figures involved in hoaxing the Russian collusion narrative

Simply dismissing Mueller, without making him subject to a reverse investigation would feed into a leftist narrative. However, there is zero chance that if the figures I just listed were investigated that a conspiracy to hoax a conspiracy would not be discovered. All of the evidence that this happened is already public, and if their communications records were seized, that would be game over.