Trump Says He’s Going to Put 100% Tariffs on Countries Not Using the Dollar

Previously: Trump Says Sanctions on Other Countries are Crashing the US Dollar

This would actually be a very important thing to do if you supported the continued existence of the US global empire. Personally, I do not support that empire, and want to see the US government collapse.

It almost makes me want to support Democrats, given that they are so totally incompetent that the US government will collapse much quicker under them than it would under Donald Trump.

Of course, it doesn’t matter who I support because US elections are fake. Jews just decide who the president is going to be. Jews obviously lean left, but Trump has been leaning left as well, and it’s very clear that if Jews are smart, they will let Trump come in and fix some of these problems that the Democrats have created for their faggot empire of gay ass.


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has claimed that dumping the US dollar will be extremely costly for foreign countries which pursue the policy, adding that they will face unprecedented import taxes for pursuing non-dollar trade.

Speaking to his supporters during a campaign rally in Wisconsin on Saturday, the former US president pledged to maintain the status of the greenback as the world’s reserve currency, emphasizing that it is “under major siege” as a growing number of states have been turning to other ways of settling trades.

“You leave the dollar and you’re not doing business with the US, because we are going to put a 100% tariff on your goods” Trump said.

A broad trend towards using national currencies instead of the greenback has gained momentum following the massive economic restrictions introduced against Russia by the US and its allies in the wake of the escalation of the Ukrainian conflict in February 2022. After being cut off from the Western financial system, Moscow has turned to alternative options for settlement, with some of Russia’s foreign partners following suit.

It’s not just Russia. Everyone in the world is fleeing the dollar.

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia hadn’t been pursuing a de-dollarization policy, but was forced to look for other options after a series of unprecedented measures, including Russia’s central bank being cut off from dollar transactions, a ban on the transfer of US banknotes to the country, and the freezing of the country’s forex reserves.

According to Putin, Moscow and its BRICS partners are now using national currencies in 65% of mutual trade settlements.

Members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have been planning to discuss a shift to settlements in local currencies instead of the US dollar, euro, yen and pound sterling. The combined GDP of the economic bloc, which includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, reportedly amounts to $4 trillion.

The Russia sanctions freaked out the entire world.

Unlike fat beast American cunts, the normal world – everywhere not controlled by white women – saw that Russia had valid reasons for invading the Ukraine, and anyway, it is just a minor border dispute in the former USSR. The American response – completely banning Russia from the international banking system – was so outrageous that every country said “we could wake up tomorrow and this could happen to us.”

The tariffs would do a lot to discourage countries from fleeing the dollar, especially if combined with Trump’s other stated plan to pull back sanctions. No one had a problem with the US controlling the global economic system before they weaponized it. China was fine with it. Everyone was fine with it. But the US has gotten so nuts, no one has any idea what they are going to do next, and while countries still want to make money with the US if they can, it is very obvious that they should be drawing a distance.

If the dollar is unseated, the empire collapses. The dollar reserve currency system is basically a way for America to tax the entire planet. That is what is sustaining the global gay military empire and the domestic vaginal social order. When the dollar falls, the whole thing becomes unsustainable, and the US has to go back to reality, at which point some kind of strongman will likely seize control of the American state and start doing awesome shit.

There is no way for the American system to be fixed, which is why all politics are retarded, even outside of the fact that elections are fake. In order for anything to change, there has to be a catastrophe. That’s the only possible way forward.

Frankly, the fact that Trump might do something good for the system by ending the Ukraine war, normalizing Russia relations, and reestablishing the dollar is not good for the people of this country, because no matter what, at some point we are going to have to go through the process of a dissolution of the American state. The sooner that happens, the better. Trump giving the empire another decade would not be good for anyone.

Seriously: the only way any of us are ever going to get laid is for the welfare state to collapse, for the harsh reality of material necessity to override feminism.

Note to Retards: I don’t literally mean “get laid” as in “have sex.” I mean a return to sex norms, where men get married and the wife doesn’t have infinity options to dump you in the ditch and go do cocaine and fuck niggers. If you didn’t understand that’s what I meant, you are literally retarded. Feminism is a key feature of this democracy system and it is hardwired into it. Meanwhile, no other system can support feminism. Without democracy, things like “intelligence” and “competence” matter, which makes female empowerment impossible.