Trump Says He’s Looking Forward to Appearance Before Sanhedrin

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2018

Recently, a key piece of analysis has come to me: Trump is waiting for the Mueller crucifixion council to finish their witch hunt before he drops the hammer on these evil conspirators.

The mountains of damning evidence are piling up in huge piles of mountainous evidence, Jeff Sessions is twiddling his thumbs, and the only explanation is that Trump is biding his time, to wait until nothing more can be thrown at him by the twisted kikes.


President Donald Trump has signaled that he will speak under oath to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

“I’m looking forward to it,” Trump told reporters Wednesday from the doorway of his chief of staff John Kelly’s office, according to the Associated Press.

“I would do it under oath,” Trump added, according to Reuters.

There was just one condition, however, according to the New York Times, which reported that Trump said he would speak to Mueller under oath after asking if his 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton, had spoken to the FBI under oath during her interview while under investigation for the mishandling of classified materials kept on her private email server.

Trump added that, depending on his lawyers, the interview might take place within “two or three weeks.”

Trump made the remarks during an impromptu presser, as he prepares to depart to Davos, Switzerland, where he will address the World Economic Forum.

Trump has always denied any collusion between his campaign and Russia, calling the allegation a “hoax.” However, his statements regarding whether he would answer questions from the Special Counsel under oath have been less clear, until Wednesday.

This whole thing is such a sick joke, and we will all be glad to be done with it.

But mostly, I just want to see the people behind it punished.

I want to see Hillary go to prison and the entire kike media investigated as part of a conspiracy to undermine the government.

I want to see Jews fleeing for Israel.