Trump Says Jews Who Don’t Vote for Him are “Absolute Fools”

Donald, if Jews who don’t vote for you are “fools” because you’re going to do everything for Israel, then what are the goyim who do vote for you?

If you’re swearing allegiance to this foreign country, then how can you also be swearing to take care of the American people?

If the Jews who don’t vote for you are fools, aren’t the gentiles who vote for you fools?


Former President Trump called Jewish people who vote for a Democratic president fools in a radio interview Tuesday.

The big picture: Trump, whose comments come as the 2024 election nears against the backdrop of the Israel-Hamas war, has previously landed in hot water for attacks on Jewish Democrats.

Driving the news: Trump claimed during an interview on “Sid & Friends in the Morning” that his opponent in the presidential race, Vice President Kamala Harris, “doesn’t like Israel” and “doesn’t like Jewish people.”

He went on to say: “If you love Israel or if you’re Jewish … if you vote for a Democrat, you’re a fool, an absolute fool.”

This is not a small thing.

This is not as if he was vowing to defend Canada or something.

Israel is trying to start a regional war and they are openly saying they’re trying to start a regional war.

This has no relationship to US interests.

It is actually very bad for US interests.

We do not need to be involved in these global wars. It’s just stupid and ridiculous.

This Isn’t About “The Jewish Vote”

Jews are not really a relevant voting bloc.

They are an extremely relevant voter fraud bloc, however.

Trump knows US elections are not based on votes, they are based on fraud, and that is why he is so aggressively and directly appealing to Jews and saying he’s going to fight all of their wars for them.

It’s the only way he can “win” the election: by being installed by the Jews.