Trump Says Migrants will “Destroy All Europe”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 18, 2015

The Donald ain't having none of it.
The Donald ain’t having none of it.

Every day I wake up to find Donald Trump saying exactly what I want to hear. We noted yesterday that he has taken to calling White French “our people,” and in Knoxville he came out and said that the migrants are destroying all of Europe.

Pointing out that you could very cheaply build a safezone in Syria for these people (if your goal is actually to help Syrians), he made all of Europe look like retards. Because obviously you could do that.

Though Merkel could respond that most of these people aren’t even from Syria.

Can't tell if Syrian...
Can’t tell if Syrian…


The GOP front-runner told the nearly 10,000 person crowd at the Knoxville Convention Center that his prescription for the Middle East had one again been proven correct. “We have no documentation on these people. And I said – you probably saw a couple weeks ago – I’m looking at this migration. It’s a terrible thing. I have a tremendous heart, I want to take care of people, you look at this migration, I said to my wife the other day ‘you know, they seem like so many men.’

Trump continued: “We have a president that wants to take hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of people and move them into our country.” The crowd booed in disapproval.

Trump’s new plan came in the form of a rebuke of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who’s decision to allow refugees into the country Trump called “a disgrace.” Instead, he would build a safe zone for refugees, who Trump says all want to go home after the crisis is over anyway. “In Syria, take a big swatch of land, which believe me, you get for the right price, OK? You take a big swatch and you don’t destroy all of Europe.”

“What I like is build a safe zone, it’s here, build a big beautiful safe zone and you have whatever it is so people can live, and they’ll be happier,” Trump continued. “I mean they’re gonna learn German, they’re gonna learn all these different languages. It’s ridiculous. The weather – a friend of mine lives in Minnesota. And he calls me, he says can you imagine? It’s 130 degrees in Syria and now they want to send some up to Minnesota where it’s 30 degrees. Well, these people are gonna be very, very unhappy. its cold and beautiful but its cold.”

Even before Trump took the stage, refugees were mentioned by two campaign affiliates who spoke to the crowd before him. First Sgt. David Perry, a Trump campaign volunteer, told the crowd that Trump was “gonna send those Syrians back where they came from.” Then, that he was “gonna be the first volunteer to drive them to the airport.”

A strong America is a strong world.


The Donald will be good for Europe, too.

Here’s the full speech.