Trump Says Second Amendment will Never be Repealed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 28, 2018

So the New York Times published a former SCOTUS judge talking about how we need to repeal the Second Amendment.

This is very unpopular.

Trump came out and said we would never do that.

I believe that we probably will not. Even Hillary would have had a hard time pulling that off.

But the fact of the matter is, Trump did repeal the Bump Stocks Amendment.

There is no Bump Stocks Amendment, actually, but there is a Second Amendment which literally means that we should be allowed to have rocket launchers and chemical weapons. That is what the Founding Fathers intended.

So watering down the Second Amendment is halfway to a repeal.

The government has absolutely zero right to restrict any form of private weapons ownership. They don’t even have a right to regulate it. Telling people they have to register their guns is a violation of our fundamental rights.

I am tired of this being discussed as if it is a legitimate discussion.

It simply is not.