Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 18, 2015
The Trump train has no brakes. Yesterday, we had The Donald shutting down Jeb, pointing out that his brother allowed our tallest buildings to get blown up.
Today, the Donald is calling out the Jew agents accusing Russia – without any proof – of downing MH17.
Donald Trump, a leading Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election, called on Americans to focus on making the US “great again,” rather than accusing Russia — or anybody else, for that matter, without proof – of taking down the Malaysian airliner over the Donetsk region in the summer of 2014.
Trump, who has often spoken out in support of Russia and its president Vladimir Putin, said during an interview with US cable news network MSNBC that despite the recent Dutch report that concluded Malaysia Airlines flight 17 was brought down by a Russian-made missile, it doesn’t mean the Russians fired the rocket.
“It may have been their weapon, but they didn’t use it, they didn’t fire it, they even said the other side fired it to blame them,” he said. “I mean to be honest with you, you’ll probably never know for sure.”
Yeah, though we won’t ever know for sure, the most likely option is that the Ukraine Jews shot it down in order to blame Russia for it. It is almost impossible that it could have been an accident (though it is technically possible), and neither side had a motive for shooting it down except the Ukraine for the purpose of blaming Russia.
The Donald is clued-up on everything.
The real estate mogul and presidential hopeful didn’t express too much hope that the case would ever be solved.
“I think it is horrible,” Trump said. “But they’re saying it wasn’t them. The other side says it is them. And we’re going to go through that arguing for probably for 50 years and nobody is ever going to know.”
Moreover, Trump stressed that there are enough domestic problems in the US that need to be solved to “make America great again” (to cite The Donald’s campaign slogan,) that meddling in conflicts abroad is a dangerous distraction.
The Russians have already released a report claiming it was an Israeli-made air-to-air missile that took the plane down, not a Russian-made surface-to-air missile.

A report on Malaysian Airlines MH17 air disaster in Ukraine last year by a group of old-hand aviation security experts maintains that the Boeing might have been downed by an Israeli Python air-to-air missile.
The report was leaked via the private LiveJournal account of Albert Naryshkin (aka albert_lex) late on Tuesday and has already been widely discussed by social media communities in Russia.The authors of the investigative report have calculated the possible detonation initiation point of the missile that hit the passenger aircraft and approximate number and weight of strike elements, which in turn designated the type and presumed manufacturer of the weapon.
The external view of MH17 hull pieces indicates that “fragments of the pilots’ cockpit have suffered specific damages in the form of localized puncture holes and surface dents typical for hypervelocity impacts with compact and hard objects,” the report says, stressing that similar damage could be found on the inner side of the cockpit.
The report specifically points out that chips of the body coat around the holes in the fragment are typical of wave effects created by hypervelocity impacts.
Some damage, though larger and less clustered, could be found near the air-scoop of the left-wing engine of the aircraft.
The nature of the damage allows for the identification of the source as a high-explosive fragmentation warhead from a modern anti-aircraft weapon, claims the report.
Apart from the large puncture holes, the debris of the nose and the cockpit of the aircraft bear a large number of scattered micro-craters resulting from the impact of high-velocity dust and tiny debris, such as an unburnt blasting agent and elements of the ordnance that accompany a shock wave from a blast that occurred very close to the target. In the case of MH17, the pilots’ cockpit.
The report says that as a rule, the initial speed of the striking elements of modern anti-aircraft weapons vary between 1,500 and 2,500 meters per second.
I’m not a ballistics expert, so I’ve got no idea; this will be the case for most people (only a very small portion of the general public are ballistics experts). So it really just comes down to common sense – is it very likely Putin ordered a passenger jet from Netherlands shot down just because he is a mean person?
This explanation of “oh yes our enemy did or is planning to do this atrocity that makes no sense because he is evil and insane” isn’t even working on the Arabs anymore as we saw with the backlash about the Jew/Obama plan to invade Syria on the claim that Assad was gassing his own people for no reason and we have a moral obligation to do a Libya on him.
Trying it on Putin – a White man, who comes across very well to Western audiences even while speaking a foreign language – is ridiculous.
Once more The Donald has successfully managed to allude to a serious issue in America with just a few simple words.
It sure does feel good to finally be winning.