Patrik Fridén
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2016
Another step has been taken toward the full crowning of God Emperor Trump.
The GOP has unofficially united behind him with the majority of the delegates supporting his candidacy. Already he is preparing for the general election by focusing his most current speeches on Hillary and criticizing her policies on energy, guns, the economy and foreign affairs.
Meanwhile, Hillary has not been able to tie up the last loose ends, being 75 delegates short of securing the Democratic candidacy as Sanders keeps taunting her. Questions about her private email server also keep surfacing and troubling her campaign.
The New York billionaire shrugged off signs of discord in his party hours after sewing up the number of delegates needed to clinch the GOP nomination, a feat that completed an unlikely rise that has upended the political landscape and set the stage for a bitter fall campaign.
“Here I am watching Hillary fight, and she can’t close the deal,” Trump crowed during an appearance in North Dakota. “We’ve had tremendous support from almost everybody.””
Associated Press also reports that there is a planned debate between Sanders and Trump coming up, possibly taking place in “some big stadium” in California according to Sanders. Trump has stated he would “love to debate Bernie,” but that “the problem with debating Bernie, is he’s going to lose.”
Since conquering the GOP, Trump has promised to “absolutely” stop assassinate the characters of other previous GOP candidates, one of the things we loved the most about his rhetoric.
Some key and major figures within the party are still opposed to his candidacy, e.g. House Speaker Paul Ryan and infamous Zio-puppet Mitt Romney. Focusing on Hillary and the general election, Trump presumes the upcoming fight will further and stronger unite the GOP behind him, as he shuns questions about the party rogues still opposing him.
To no one’s surprise, Trump’s success has mainly been due to previously independent, third party and even non-voting part of electorate who have been activated in the millions for the cause by the sheer patriotic passion Trump displays in his speeches.
His victory has not been without its costs as the political director of Trump’s campaign, Rick Wiley, was dismissed hours before Trump secured the GOP nomination. The campaign assured the dismissal was all according to plan and agreement.
The Trump campaign now switches modes and states it will now need donations to a greater extent than before to accomplish the task of running the last stretch.
Words from Trump pressing on White America’s need for his presidency:
“The choice in November is a choice between a Clinton agenda that puts donors first or an agenda that puts America first: my agenda.”