Trump Speaks Out in Support of Judge Roy Moore!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 22, 2017

Trump played this whole thing exactly right.

He waited until the allegations were all finished, saying nothing, now he’s coming to the Judge’s defense.

He walked out of the White House yesterday and reporters asked him if he was ready to talk about Roy Moore and he said “sure, I’ll talk about that.”

New York Times:

President Trump broke with leading Republicans on Tuesday and voiced support for Roy S. Moore, the Republican Senate candidate in Alabama who has been accused of sexual misconduct with teenagers and has seen his campaign’s prospects imperiled.

In his first extensive remarks on the accusations that date back decades, the president cited the vigorous denials by Mr. Moore, who is facing off in a high-stakes special election against Doug Jones, the Democratic candidate.

“He totally denies it,” Mr. Trump said of Mr. Moore, who has been accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl and sexually assaulting another teenager.

Mr. Trump also said he was “very happy” that women in the United States are now coming forward with accusations of sexual misconduct against lawmakers and media figures, many of them Democrats.

Asked by a reporter about whether electing “a child molester” was better than electing a Democrat in the Alabama race, Mr. Trump responded by insisting that Mr. Moore denies the charges against him.

“He says it didn’t happen,” the president — who himself has been accused of, and denied, a history of sexual impropriety — told reporters at the White House. “You have to listen to him, also.”

The apparent NYT line is that you’re guilty of anything you’re accused of, assuming your accuser is a woman – but it only matters if you’re anti-globalism.

Mr. Trump’s willingness to accept Mr. Moore’s denials underscored the growing Republican divide in Washington, where party officials have worried that their connections to Mr. Moore — a Breitbart News-backed candidate — would taint establishment candidates across the country.

That’s not an actual worry. No one is afraid of being accused of working with someone who is accused of misconduct.

What they are worried about is that the Judge’s message blows their entire jig. A nationalist candidate in Senate makes it impossible for them to keep lying.

Senate Republicans said on Tuesday that they were bewildered by Mr. Trump’s weighing in on the Alabama race after he had remained quiet, and they said that the president had put them in a difficult position.

Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin said last week that the accusations against Mr. Moore were credible, and called for him to abandon his campaign. Other senators have warned that Mr. Moore could be expelled if he were to be elected in the Dec. 12 vote.

They haven’t called for Al Franken to resign though. Just so you understand, they haven’t said anything about Al Franken.

Also, he can’t be expelled. You can’t be expelled from Congress for something you did before you were elected. Maybe if you were convicted of a crime you did before you were elected after you were elected, but no one anywhere is saying Moore is going to be charged with any crime. These are just random accusations.

“We don’t need a liberal person in there, a Democrat, Jones,” Mr. Trump said. “I’ve looked at his record. It’s terrible on crime. It’s terrible on the border. It’s terrible on the military.”

The president suggested that the passage of time, and the fact that Mr. Moore’s accusers did not come forward earlier, should call into question the accusations. And he noted that Mr. Moore has been elected repeatedly by voters in Alabama.

“I do have to say, 40 years is a long time,” Mr. Trump said as he left for a five-day Thanksgiving vacation at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla. “He’s run eight races, and this has never come up. So 40 years is a long time.”

In a statement after Mr. Trump’s remarks, Mr. Jones’s campaign said, “Doug believes the women, and that the people of Alabama will hold Roy Moore accountable.”

Mr. Jones is scrambling to ensure that Alabamians do not forget the controversy. On Tuesday, his campaign repeatedly aired a new television ad featuring recent comments from Ivanka Trump, the president’s elder daughter, who said that she had “no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts” and that “there’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children.”

Yeah, good one Ivanka.


I still feel strongly that Moore is likely to win, and perhaps win significantly. I knew that Trump would pull through. No more allegations are coming (probably) and the involvement of the (((New York Lawyer))) (((Gloria Allred))) plays into Moore’s hands.

Not a hard person to attack. And she’s got this fake yearbook, which really just complicates the accusers’ claims.

I also think the polls are being hoaxed. Jazzhands McFeels could tell you more about that, but we know that they hoax these polls.

The worst thing that has happened so far was that Sean Hannity interview. He didn’t come across well, because he didn’t just lay it all out there. What he should have said is “yeah, I dated these older teen girls because I wanted a Christian virgin wife, but I wasn’t sexual with any of them and WaPo added this 14-year-old.”

But I honestly don’t think it matters much. There’s no proof of anything and Alabama doesn’t vote Democrat.

Still, if you’re in Alabama, see if you can go volunteer for Moore’s campaign.