Trump Still Wants to Create Giant Space Lasers to Glass Enemy Countries from Orbit

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
March 14, 2018

Quite awhile ago Trump mentioned he wanted to create a space branch of the US military.

His speech in Miramar indicates that he still wants to do that.

This is of course absolutely something that should be done.

While we are not at the point of massive space battles against aliens yet, we will get there soon.

We need to be ready for that.

In the meantime, in an age of nuclear weapons and a quickly approaching neo-feudal system, having control over space will be crucial for every nation hoping to not become colonized by China.

That is because it will be easier to detect and intercept any missiles which would exit the atmosphere, as well as give you the ability to send in air support much easier (it is significantly more challenging to shoot down a space-fairing craft than a simple airplane).