Trump Suggests Terminating NAFTA Due to Difficulties with Renegotiations

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
August 28, 2017

Trump was right when he said that NAFTA has been a terrible deal for the United States. 

Donald Trump’s presidency has been a real mixed bag so far. There’s been some positives and negatives.

Unfortunately, with Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka now gone, it looks as if Trump is being slowly consumed by the swamp. While that may or may not be the case, the optics haven’t been great lately. Just look at the people he has around him now. The National Security Council led by H.R. McMaster has been loaded with neocon kooks.

Then you have the recent announcement that more troops are getting sent to Afghanistan. It’s beginning to feel like this past April when Trump ordered an ad-hoc attack against Syria because of a sad video supposedly showing children being gassed.

At least he’s still giving lip service to his promise on NAFTA. Trump is saying that renegotiating NAFTA with Canada and Mexico has been difficult and is suggesting that they might have to terminate it.

NAFTA has obviously been a terrible deal for the United States. Trump himself has been one of its greatest critics as it led to a mass migration of jobs out of the country. He should just end the deal and let the chips fall where they may. Canada and Mexico will scramble to negotiate new bilateral deals if he does this. These countries need the United States more than the United States needs them. All of these dire warnings of economic calamities if NAFTA were to be terminated are just hysterics from the media.

Once they know he means business he can get Mexico to pay for the wall and establish a fair trading partnership with both countries.

Will any of this happen? Who the hell knows at this point. Trump has created a situation where the entire federal government is in a battle against itself and the end result is unpredictable. I don’t think any of us really know what’s going to happen from here.