Trump Suggests Warmongering Tranny-Lover Mad Pit Bull Mattis Might Leave

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2018

The best part of the 60 minutes interview (watch the whole thing here – it’s very good) was when he said the Mad Pitt Bull Mattis might be on the way out and called him a Democrat.

I am so ready to get rid of this asshole. He is what is stopping Trump from bringing our boys home from Syria – he has literally refused Trump’s orders to pull the troops out. He has also refused a direct order to get trannies out of the military.

He is a warmongering tranny lover, and the worst cabinet member this side of Jeff Sessions.

And you people who ask why he appoints these people: it is because every single member of the cabinet has to be confirmed by the Senate, and up until this point, the Senate has been filled with shills.

But a lot of those shills are leaving.

And some of them are turning into hardcore white supremacists.

If we win big in November, no one is going to be able to question anything Trump does.

And that includes his ability to appoint cabinet members with impunity.

He can get rid of these sickening shills, and stack his administration with people who get things done.

The sky is the limit.