Trump Supporters are Richer and Better-Educated

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2016


God Emperor Trump, also known as the Demidoge.

In my experience, they’re better-looking as well.

The Independent:

Donald Trump supporters have thus far proven themselves to possess a limited grasp of history and a penchant for racism.

But findings by FiveThirtyEight based on an analysis of exit poll data suggests something different, and perhaps ‘true’ Trump supporters have merely been keeping away from the squawking rally-crowd.

“Shy Trumpies”: you heard it here first.

According to information collected from exit polls and the Census Bureau, the average household income of a Trump supporter is $72,000 (approx £50,000) which is over £10,000 more than the US national average.

It’s well documented that Republicans tend to be more wealthy than their Democrat counterparts, so perhaps that shouldn’t be so much of a surprise.

Slightly more shocking however, is that statistician Nate Silver found that 44 per cent of Trump voters have university degrees, compared to the US national average of 29 per cent.

But go ahead, Jews – keep portraying us as buck-toothed yokels.


What the Jews told you Trump supporters look like


What Trump supporters actually look like

Go ahead and kill that idiotic meme once and for all.

We need your memes gassed and cremated so as our memes can rise.