Trump Taps Magic Ben to Resegregate Housing as Head of HUD

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2016


At first, Magic Ben Carson was running for President. Then he lost. Then he supported Trump. Then Trump was going to give him an appointment to pay him back for his loyalty. Then he said that he wasn’t experienced enough to hold any position in the government.

Now, he’s switched it up.

He’s going to be in charge of section 8.

Hopefully, Carson will be able to help fulfill the agenda to “make black people act like Ben Carson again.”

Wall Street Journal:

President-elect Donald Trump said Monday he would nominate retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson as secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, a move that would place a former political adversary with little housing-policy expertise in a key administration post.

When Mr. Carson emerged as Mr. Trump’s top rival last year during the early stages of the Republican primaries, Mr. Trump sought to discredit his personal story of emerging from poverty during his youth. After Mr. Carson faded in the polls, he moved to support Mr. Trump, with the two men eventually becoming close.

“Ben Carson has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities and families within those communities,” Mr. Trump said in a written statement. “We have talked at length about my urban renewal agenda and our message of economic revival, very much including our inner cities.”

Rofl – he isn’t even being coy about it! He’s just like “yeah, I’m putting the black guy in charge of fixing black neighborhoods.”

Well played, Mr. President. Well played.

During the campaign, Mr. Trump frequently described inner-city conditions in particularly stark terms. “You go into the inner cities and you see it’s 45% poverty,” he said in a presidential debate in October. “The education is a disaster. Jobs are essentially nonexistent.”

Mr. Carson served as director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital—where he became the youngest physician to head a major division—for almost 30 years until his retirement in 2013. A speech at the National Prayer Breakfast that year, in which he criticized President Barack Obama’s policies with Mr. Obama seated nearby, catapulted him into politics as a conservative icon.

Mr. Carson would be the first African-American appointed to a senior position by Mr. Trump so far during the transition. He also would be second physician to be appointed to Mr. Trump’s cabinet, alongside Rep. Tom Price, a Georgia Republican who is the pick to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.

“I feel that I can make a significant contribution particularly by strengthening communities that are most in need,” Mr. Carson said in a statement. “We have much work to do in enhancing every aspect of our nation and ensuring that our nation’s housing needs are met.”

HUD, with a budget of $47.9 billion and some 8,400 employees, has played critical roles stabilizing the housing market after last decade’s boom and bust. The federal government currently insures one in every six new home-purchase mortgages made through the Federal Housing Administration, which is part of HUD. The department also oversees funding for some 1.2 million low-income households in public-housing units managed by some 3,300 local housing agencies.

Some housing advocates responded to reports of Mr. Carson’s impending selection as HUD secretary with alarm last month, citing his lack of relevant policy experience. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) criticized the nomination on Monday, calling Mr. Carson a “disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice.”

That’s democrat-speak for “dumb black bastard.”

smdh in 2016 a black man called “unqualified.”

Mr. Obama has tapped HUD secretaries with backgrounds in housing or local government, but Mr. Trump is breaking with that model. In the Obama administration, the department was led by Shaun Donovan, who previously served as New York City’s housing commissioner, and Julián Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio.

Mr. Carson has spoken infrequently on housing policy, but he has challenged the Obama administration’s beefed-up enforcement of fair-housing regulations, a notable if under-the-radar initiative of the outgoing administration. The new rules are designed to combat zoning policies that result in segregation and threaten the loss of millions in federal funding to municipalities that don’t comply.

Mr. Carson called those policies “mandated social-engineering schemes” that repeated a pattern of “failed socialist experiments in this country” in a 2015 op-ed published in The Washington Times.

Okay, wow.

So this is exactly what we wanted. A shut down of the HUD forced-integration program which, as Magic Ben says, is a bizarre social-engineering program.

You’ll remember that along with Obamacare and the end of deportation/path to amnesty, the Obama HUD agenda is one of the things I classified as the Obama “two in the chest, one in the head” triforce agenda to kill American society.


He passed an executive order for forced integration, and Julian Castro backed it up with a series of “dem programs.” 83% of Americans were against the program, and it was shown to benefit no one (including blacks) but they didn’t care. It was just about harming whites.

Castro was literally mandating that any neighbor with a majority whites would be diversified through section 8 housing. They had a database with demographics that they were using to place blacks and other undesirable brown people in any neighborhood deemed “too white.” To bolster this agenda, Castro did things like make it illegal to refuse to rent to people with felony records.

I referred to it as the “nowhere left to run” program and the “national Detroitification” program.

I knew Trump was going to kill it, and I’m not bothered he picked the black guy to do it.


And really, if you’re going to have blacks involved in the government, they should be dealing with black issues. And this black guy is saying explicitly that he wants to deal with black issues by keeping blacks away from whites.

So yeah, this is a fine pick, as far as I’m concerned.

But I do think we’ve got enough color on the team now. We’ve got Nimrata Randhawa as Ambassador to the UN, we’ve got the Jew running the money, now we’ve got Magic Ben in charge of resegregation.

So, let’s dial that on back then.