Trump to be Law and Order President

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 12, 2016

While both Obama and his planned sequel Hillary are coming out and praising Black terrorist attacks on the police, Trump has declared he will execute anyone who kills a cop.

Fox News:

Donald Trump, in the wake of last week’s deadly attack on Dallas police and a fresh wave of protests over police-involved shootings, voiced his full-throated support Monday for America’s law enforcement and declared himself the “law and order candidate.”

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee put himself foursquare behind police at a combustible time in the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Speaking at an address in Virginia Beach originally billed as a veterans policy speech, Trump opened by discussing the deep challenges police face.

“We will always stand with you,” Trump said.

He compared the atmosphere to the hostility veterans faced after the Vietnam War, and called for that “hostility” to “end immediately, right now.” He said inner-cities are “rife with crime” and efforts to curtail law enforcement are “hurting the poorest and most vulnerable Americans.”

He then used the issue to draw a distinction between him and his presumptive presidential rival.

“We must maintain law and order at the highest level or we will cease to have a country. … I am the law and order candidate,” Trump said. “Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is weak, ineffective, pandering and as proven by her recent email scandal … she’s either a liar or grossly incompetent.”