Trump to Mock UN by Sending Them a Street-Shitting Paki Female

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 23, 2016

abhay patel, bobby jindal and nikki haley

Trump is showing the world what he thinks of the UN – he’s sending them an ambassador who is literally going to take a shit on the street out from of their offices every day before work!



U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has picked South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who has little foreign policy experience and who sharply criticized him during his election campaign, for the high-profile post of U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

The Republican president-elect praised Haley in a statement on Wednesday as having “a proven track record of bringing people together regardless of background or party affiliation to move critical policies forward for the betterment of her state and our country.”

Haley said she had accepted the offer and would remain governor pending her confirmation to the Cabinet-level post by the U.S. Senate.

A 44-year-old Republican, Haley took Trump to task during the presidential campaign over his harsh rhetoric about illegal immigrants and for not speaking forcefully enough against white supremacists.

On Wednesday, she said in a statement, “When the president believes you have a major contribution to make to the welfare of our nation, and to our nation’s standing in the world, that is a calling that is important to heed.”

The president-elect, working largely out of his office in Manhattan, has made his deliberations for senior jobs a public affair, issuing a daily list of his meetings and announcing some impressions of potential candidates on Twitter. All his picks so far have been white men.

The choice of Haley, a daughter of Indian immigrants who is a voice for tolerance, may be aimed at countering criticism of Trump’s divisive comments about immigrants and minorities, as well as accusations of sexism during his campaign.

Haley led an effort last year to remove the Confederate flag from the grounds of the South Carolina state capitol after the killing of nine black churchgoers in Charleston. The flag was carried by pro-slavery Confederate forces during the U.S. Civil War and is viewed by many as a racist emblem.

She condemned Trump during the Republican primary campaign to pick the presidential nominee for not disavowing the support of white supremacist group Ku Klux Klan and one of its former leaders, David Duke.

In her rebuttal to Obama’s State of the Union address in January, Haley called for tolerance on immigration and civility in politics, in what some saw as a rebuke of Trump.

“During anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices,” she said. “We must resist that temptation.”

In the early days of the Republican primary contest, Haley was mentioned as a possible vice presidential pick.

She supported Trump rivals Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, both U.S. senators, in the primary before saying last month she would vote for Trump despite reservations about his character.

Haley also criticized Trump last winter for not releasing his tax returns, prompting him to hit back on Twitter, “The people of South Carolina are embarrassed of Nikki Haley!”


All this stupid Paki whore did the whole time Trump was running was whine.

But ah.

South Carolina’s lieutenant governor – who will be replacing the Paki – is a – you guessed it – WHITE MALE.


Henry McMaster is diehard #TrumpTrain.


While Haley declined to support Trump until after the Republican National Convention, McMaster broke from his ally and endorsed Trump back in January 2016. He even appeared at a rally with Trump before the South Carolina primary.

“You know, we’ve got a saying in the South that says it’s not the dog in the fight that’s important, it’s the fight in the dog that’s important,” McMaster said at that rally, notes the Washington Post. “Well this dog’s got plenty of fight — and it’s gonna take some fighting.”

As an early Trump supporter, McMaster had been floated as a potential cabinet pick after the election. He told WIS-TV on November 17 that he will do what he can to help Trump succeed.

“I want to do whatever I can to help Mr. Trump succeed. He’s the perfect man for right now,” McMaster said.

He even delivered the nominating speech at the RNC.

So basically, he gets to send this Paki female to an irrelevant job dealing with the soon-to-be-disbanded UN, replacing a governorship with a WHITE MALE.

This was definitely more about promoting McMaster than Haley. I assume he was owed the favor for having endorsed Trump back in January.

Anyway – no one wants any colored people or women on the team, but he has to bring some – at least to begin with. I’m glad to see the diversity hire assigned to something so irrelevant as Ambassador to the UN.