Trump to Sign Jewish Resolution Condemning White People

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2017

Trump appears to have officially lost control of everything.

We’ve got the DACA babies, we’ve got no wall, now we’ve got a condemnation of white people.

Wall Street Journal:

The White House said Wednesday that President Donald Trump will sign a bipartisan congressional resolution condemning white nationalists, after the measure passed both chambers earlier this week.

The joint resolution targets the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups and urges the Trump administration “to use all available resources to address the threats posed by those groups.”

What threats, specifically?

What have we threatened?

And what resources?

What is going on here?

Lawmakers said the legislation would put the president on the record opposing hate groups after violence erupted at a racially charged rally in Virginia last month.

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday the president would sign the legislation.

“He looks forward to doing so,” Sanders said in the daily White House press briefing.

Trump drew criticism from members of both parties over the summer after blaming “both sides” for tense protests and counterprotests that erupted in the city of Charlottesville, Va., in a combative news conference on Aug. 15.

I am disgusted as fuck.

There is zero way Trump could have gotten elected without “Neo-Nazis” – whatever the fuck that even is.

And now we’re being condemned.

Does the “resolution” define what “Neo-Nazi” means?

It does not.

This is while 10% of the country – that is 1/6 white people, so probably about a third of Republicans – say it is fine to be a “Neo-Nazi.”

There is no popular support against us – there is popular support against the people who viciously attacked us in Charlottesville.

And the proof that James Fields DID NOT “murder” Heather Heyer – that she died of an unrelated heart attack because she was so fat – is already out.

No one on the right side in Charlottesville did anything wrong. This is a fact.

And the whole “White Supremacist Neo-Nazi” thing is in the process of collapsing due to the fact that Black Lives Matter is already attacking statues of Thomas Jefferson.

These are easy wins. But Trump isn’t taking them.

And it isn’t like the Jews are going to forgive Trump. Under any circumstances. All he is doing is imploding his own Presidency.

This is Jews separating Trump from his own base – and he is not resisting it. He is broken and tired. That is where we are now.