Trump to Syrian “Refugees”: Saudi Arabia has Plenty of Room for You

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2016

On Friday, Trump tweeted a meme picture of him keeping the rapist/terrorist haji filth from Syria out of our country. It reads “Sorry, not on my watch – Saudi Arabia has plenty of room for you.”

Saudi does indeed have plenty of room.

And yet, how many refugees have they taken?

Just hazard a guess.


If you guessed “literally zero,” you were correct.

Saudi Arabia has not taken a single refugee from Syria, let alone “refugees” from Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Africa, etc.

They think this is a massive joke, sending all of these people to conquer our countries.

The White Man is the most oppressed man on the planet. That is something. But even worse is being the butt of all these monkeys’ jokes.

US President Barack Obama and Saudi King Abdullah share a laugh at a 2010 White House meeting.