Trump Totally Cucks Out on Plan to Count Illegals on Census

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 3, 2019


Another failure.


The Guardian:

The Trump administration said on Tuesday it would begin printing forms for the 2020 US census without a controversial question asking about citizenship, following a key decision by the US supreme court last week blocking the proposal.

A Department of Justice spokeswoman confirmed that the question would not be included on the census, which is constitutionally mandated to take place every 10 years.

The commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, confirmed that the forms were being printed without the question, saying in a statement: “I respect the Supreme Court but strongly disagree with its ruling regarding my decision to reinstate a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.”

“The Census Bureau has started the process of printing the decennial questionnaires without the question,” Ross continued. “My focus, and that of the Bureau and the entire Department is to conduct a complete and accurate census.”

The announcement follows a US supreme court decision last week that temporarily blocked Trump’s administration from adding a citizenship question to the form, arguing that the government had failed to provide an acceptable justification for wanting the information.

The ruling in effect froze the administration’s plan to include the question but left unclear whether there would be enough time for the administration to provide the court with a better explanation that meets judicial approval. The administration had previously said a decision was needed by 30 June, though other officials have said it could be delayed until the fall.

Hours after he Trump administration’s announcement, Donald Trump said on Twitter: “A very sad time for America when the Supreme Court of the United States won’t allow a question of ‘Is this person a Citizen of the United States?’ to be asked on the #2020 Census!” He added that he had asked the commerce and justice departments “to do whatever is necessary to bring this most vital of questions, and this very important case, to a successful conclusion. USA! USA! USA!”

It was not immediately clear what course of action Trump had asked the departments to take, given that the printing process has already been initiated. As recently as Monday, Trump said he was considering the possibility of trying to delay the census forms being printed – a move that many experts said might not be legal.

“I think it is very important to find out if somebody is a citizen as opposed to an illegal,” Trump told reporters on Monday. “It is a big difference to me between being a citizen of the United States and being an illegal.”

This same thing – he keeps saying he’s going to fight all the way up until he rolls over and stops fighting.

Again, again, again, again: if Trump cannot do it, he cannot do it.

I am fully willing to accept Trump saying “I don’t have the power to get this done.”

But why can’t he fight it every inch of the way?

Why can’t he refuse to approve anything that doesn’t have what we want?

This is just utterly criminal what is going on with this census, and the SCOTUS would have eventually ruled in his favor. But even if they didn’t – he could have refused to accept it.

But no. He’s printing it, endorsing a census without counting the illegals, which will mean that all of these Democrat districts are going to get extra representation in the House based on their illegals.

However, this doesn’t mean that ALL OF YOU can’t get jobs at the Census Bureau and take the opportunity to locate illegals and call ICE on them (article about this plan).

Please, please do that.

They should pay well.