Trump: US Will Not Allow Trannies to Serve in the Military in Any Capacity!

Daily Stormer
July 26, 2017


Trannies out!

It was a goofy, stupid idea to even talk about trannies being in the military in the first place, but President Trump is once again the adult in the room.

Hopefully we can also remove all types of faggots as well.

The Trump administration is intentionally putting the spotlight on disgusting perverts for the coming midterm elections, forcing Democrats to openly embrace the most extreme degeneracies fathomable:

“This forces Democrats in Rust Belt states like Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin to take complete ownership on this issue. How will blue collar voters in these states respond when Senators up for re-election in 2018 like Debbie Stabenow are forced to make their opposition to this a key plank of their campaigns?”

This will be in concert with two disgusting freaks in wigs actually attempting to get seats under the Democratic party banner. Unhinged GamerGate tranny Brianna Wu is running for Congress in Massachusetts district 8, and Danica Roem is running for Virginia’s house of delegates.

Only our Glorious Leader could so transmute the sobs and schemes of degenerate freaks into pure political success for straight white heterosexual men.

This is the new face of the Democratic party, hysterical faggot in a wig Brianna Wu.

Note that this announcement comes after Tucker Carlson’s piece last night on trannies.

Tucker Carlson is effectively functioning as a non-official advisor to Donald Trump, via the fact that the President is a fan of his show.

This is wonderful.