Trump Uses Complex Mind Warfare to Destroy Paul Ryan’s Soul and Career

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 27, 2017

Donald Trump is playing 64-terrabyte inter-dimensional time-traveling wormhole chess.

He told people on Twitter Saturday to watch Judge Jeanine.

Then she called for Ryan to resign.

Then he sent that boy Reince over to Chris Wallace to tell him that there was no message, and he was just promoting Judge Jeanine’s show randomly because they’re friends.

He’s playing with people’s minds, this man – this legend.

He’s backing people against the wall of their own primal fears.

He’s throwing his enemies under psychic buses.

Ryan is out.

That is clear at this point.

And now, it is time for a DARK HORSE to ride in.

One man can save this flaming wreck of a Congress.

It is time for America to take a lap on the Steve King Master Raceway.

A new age is dawning in Congress in 2017.

The Age of Kings.