Trump Victory Rally in Cincinnati!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 2, 2016

It’s time for the VICTORY TOUR!



It’s so great to see an old fashioned Trump rally.

Feels good, man.

The Hill:

The first stop in President-elect Donald Trump’s “thank you tour” quickly turned into a victory lap for the real estate magnate to revel in his surprising win and bash the naysayers that believed he had no shot at the White House.

Trump’s Thursday speech in Ohio largely mirrored the popular rallies that were a mainstay of his presidential campaign. The businessman boasted about his upset of Hillary Clinton, railed against the media, and chided politicians that counted him out or refused to back him.

“Our victory was so great, we have the House, we have the Senate, we have the presidency,” Trump said at U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati. “People are constantly telling me and telling you to reduce our expectations. Now is not the time to downsize our dreams.”

He set his eyes on the “dishonest” media and the conventional wisdom that a blue wall in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin would buoy Clinton no matter what happened.

“How about when a major anchor who hosted a debate started crying when she realized that we won?” Trump asked the booing crowd, referring to ABC News’ Martha Raddatz, who appeared to tear up during election coverage as Trump’s victory became apparent.

“[The media] was saying for months there was no way that Donald Trump can break that blue wall. We didn’t break it, we shattered that sucker. Man, that poor wall is busted up.”

And he criticized news outlets for waiting too long to call states like Pennsylvania, even when it became clear he was set to win.

Trump also took a shot at Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who was a vocal opponent of the president-elect and never endorsed him, saying he didn’t get support from “the upper echelon of politician” in the state.

Trump’s off-the-cuff remarks may have taken his own team by surprise: He announced at the rally that he was in fact tapping retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for Defense Secretary. The news had broken hours before in reports from CNN and Military Times, but Trump spokesman Jason Miller tweeted that no decision had been made. Trump told the crowd to keep the announcement under wraps, as it wasn’t supposed to be made public until Monday.

Trump will be crisscrossing the country this month to continue celebrating his stunning victory. He defied most polls that had him losing to Clinton and he unexpectedly carried Rust Belt states that typically trend blue in presidential years.

He won the Buckeye State by 8 points, which has been a perennial battleground state where he narrowly led in the polls in the final weeks.

There’s no definite schedule for the remainder of the “thank you tour,” but Trump’s director of advance team recently said the route may also include visits to “swing states we flipped over.” Trump said on Fox News’ “Hannity” later Thursday evening that he expects to make about 10 stops.

As he closed his speech celebrating his meteoric rise, Trump promised better days ahead for all Americans, even those who didn’t support him.

“We are the nation that won two world wars, that dug out the Panama Canal, that put a man on the world and satellites all over space,” he said.

“But somewhere along the way we started thinking small. I’m asking you to dream big again, and bold and daring things for your country will happen once again.”



I think he’s going to do these rallies while President.

How great is that?