Trump Wins Debate by Not Going

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2016

gop losersHave you ever seen a more morbid group of failed losers?

Like most people, I didn’t bother to watch the Trumpless GOP debate, because who cares. However, from what I’m reading, it was like a complete disaster and even while absent, Trump was the clear winner.

Ted Cruz spent the whole time attacking Trump, which amounted to punching himself in the face.


All the rest attempted to stump the absent Hero, but that isn’t really relevant because they’re all so far behind they should have dropped out months ago.


Even in boycotting a debate with his Republican rivals, front-runner Donald Trump managed to upstage the event on Thursday with a typical dramatic flourish.

Instead of attending a seventh debate, the former reality TV star held a competing event across town that he said raised $6 million for U.S. military veterans. In doing so, he cast a shadow over his rivals, who frequently tossed barbs his way.

Trump’s gamble that he could leave the battlefield to his rivals for one night appeared to pay off, with just days to go before Iowa holds the first nominating contest of the 2016 election season. No one appeared to emerge as a central challenger to him during the two-hour face-off in Des Moines.

The debate was the type of event Republicans would routinely have without the flamboyant Trump on stage, and it lacked the electricity that he brings to the party’s search for a nominee for the Nov. 8 election.

We call that “low energy.”

Without Trump on stage, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie found themselves with more room to make their case to voters seeking a more mainstream candidate.

That is, people who want to get cuckolded by invading hordes and the Jewish war state.

Senator Ted Cruz from Texas and Senator Marco Rubio from Florida, the two top challengers to Trump in Iowa, engaged in squabbles over immigration and national security and did not appear to threaten Trump’s lead. He holds the edge over Cruz in polls of Iowa Republicans.

Trump’s rivals mocked his decision to sit out the debate and found ways to criticize him.

I’m a maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly, and Ben, you’re a terrible surgeon,” Cruz told his rivals, including Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, as the debate opened. His next sentence began: “Now that we’ve gotten the Donald Trump portion out of the way.”

Hilarious joke, spic – except that it isn’t.

You are obviously all stupid, fat and ugly. Have you seen your own face, Ted? It looks like it’s made of bread dough.


You are totally boring and physically out of shape, even if you aren’t as stupid as Jeb or the Magic Negro, or as fat as Chris Christie.

Bush, who has been a frequent target of Trump’s attacks, turned a question about religious tolerance into an attack on Trump’s proposed temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.

“Donald Trump, for example — I mentioned his name again if anybody was missing him — Mr. Trump believed in reaction to people’s fears that we should ban all Muslims. Well, that creates an environment that’s toxic in our own country,” Bush said.

Don’t want to get blown up in order to serve as welfare daddy to a bunch of foreign brown terrorists? Well, sorry, goyim, ideologies and principles of the conservative movement mean you have to feed these Moslems, even if they kill you on the streets.

_87203173_87203168Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush speaks during the Wall Street Journal CEO Council in Washington, DC, December 1, 2014. AFP PHOTO / Jim WATSON (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

Vote for Jeb, and he’ll stick to what’s important: ideologies and principles.

With his veterans’ event drawing live TV news coverage on Fox News competitors CNN and MSNBC, Trump absorbed plenty of media attention.

He clung to his insistence that Fox News had treated him badly. He has complained that Kelly insulted him at a debate in August and that a statement from the network earlier this week had belittled him.

Two other Republican candidates, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee, joined Trump on stage after participating in a debate of low-polling candidates.

Trump, with just one day’s notice on a weeknight, was able to fill to capacity a hall at Drake University that holds 700.

“I didn’t want to be here, to be honest, I wanted to be about five minutes away” at the debate, Trump told the crowd. “When you’re treated badly, you have to stick up for your rights – whether we like it or not.”

Trump dominated social media during the debate, leading the entire Republican pack in Twitter mentions throughout the first half of the debate, according to data from social media analytics firm Zoomph.

Trump was by far the most-searched-for candidate on Google during the first half of the debate, at one point outpacing the second-most-searched-for candidate, Rubio, by nearly four-to-one, according to Google Trends data.

There you have it.

Donald Trump is such a fantastic winner that he doesn’t even have to show up at a debate to win it.

Instead, he can go help our people in need, as his enemies beat themselves to death.

That’s the kind of leadership we need in this country.