Trump Won the Majority of College Educated Voters

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2016


Much of the vicious assault on Trump by Jewish journalists was based around claiming that his supporters were stupid inbred hicks with no education. Basically, this is the image the Jews have in their minds of all Whites who believe they have a right to exist. They even went so far as to insinuate Trump himself was stupid, creating the meme of “this self-made billionaire is stupid.”

The Jewish National Review referred to Trump as representing “post-literate politics.”

Well, it turns out they were wrong.

Despite the Daily Beast’s claim that cuckoldry is “the intellectual fetish,” intellectuals did not vote for Jeb Bush.


No, no.

In every level of education, Trump got the majority.


Trump not only won the Granite State by a wide margin, according to exit polls, Trump won the votes of every education demographic, including those with college and post-graduate degrees.

The GOP frontrunner earned 46% of the vote among those with a high school education or less; second place was Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) with 13%. Trump earned the support of 38% of those with some college; second place was John Kasich with 14%. Trump earned the support of 32% of college graduates; second place was John Kasich with 18%. Trump won 23% of those with post-graduate study; Kasich came in second with 22%.

Wrong again, Jews!


Top Professor reveals the mathematical necessity of removing kebab.