#TrumpEffect: Aleppo Liberation Imminent

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
Novmeber 29, 2016


With the US moving out of the way, Russia and Assad are close to fully liberating Aleppo.

ISIS and their allies (which are really just subsets of ISIS, despite what the kike media claims) have had their forces split in half, and they are being bombed all to hell.


Remember that the bombing started hours after Putin got off the phone with PRESIDENT TRUMP.

International Business Times:

Bashar al-Assad is poised to take back the whole of Aleppo from rebel forces after seizing key opposition neighbourhoods in the besieged east of the city. His army has split rebel-held territory in Syria’s second city in half after a two week offensive backed by Russian air strikes.

As many as 10,000 civilians fled the east of the city, where some 250,000 still live among the ruins of what was once Syria’s commercial and financial hub. The Syrian army captured the rebel-held area of al-Shakour just days after gaining control of two other districts, Jabal Badro and Hanano.

“The revolutionaries are fighting fiercely but the volume of bombardments and the intensity of the battles, the dead and the wounded, and the lack of hospitals, are all playing a role in the collapse of these frontlines,” a member of Jabha Shamiya, one of the largest rebel groups, told Reuters.

Hours later, both Syrian state TV and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported the entire district had fallen to Assad’s forces. Russia’s defence ministry said that Syrian government forces had taken back 40% of rebel held territory in Aleppo.

The residents that remain in eastern Aleppo are not only under heavy military bombardment but are suffering a severe shortage of food, after UN access was cut off to rebel areas of the city on November 13. The head of the Syria Civil Defence – known as the White Helmets – told al-Jazeera on November 25 that inhabitants had just 10 days before they ran out of food completely.

Oh, the poor dears.

But hey – that’s called “war.”

People die in wars.

If the West didn’t want people to die, they shouldn’t have funded all of these terrorists to attempt to overthrow the popular government of Assad.