Trump’s FDA to Make America Into a VAPE NATION!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 30, 2017

Under Donald Trump, America is slated to become the first VAPE NATION.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration wants to reduce nicotine levels in cigarettes and move smokers toward potentially less harmful e-cigarettes, in a major regulatory shift announced on Friday that sent tobacco stocks plunging.

FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb outlined a package of measures the agency plans to explore, embracing the idea that e-cigarettes may benefit public health by reducing smoking rates.

“Nicotine itself is not responsible for the cancer, the lung disease and heart disease that kill hundreds of thousands of Americans each year,” he said. “It’s the other chemical compounds in tobacco and in the smoke created by setting tobacco on fire that directly cause illness and death.”

That is the truest of all facts.

The principle upon which VAPE NATIONS are formed.

You’ve heard of a “proposition nation”?

Yeah, me neither.

But I have heard of a VAPE NATION.

Daily Stormer believes in VAPE NATIONALISM.

Banning trannies, promoting theocracy and VAPING.

This is the future.