Trump’s Jew Lawyer Switches Back to Democrat Party

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2018

You know, I’m not really sure that this is good publicity for the Democrats – “after betraying his boss and being convicted of various crimes, disreputable lawyer returns to the party of heroism.”

But they seem to think it looks good.

I guess.

Lanny Davis is well-connected, and he’s timing this before the midterms as a publicity stunt for a reason. Someone thinks this looks good.


US President Donald Trump’s disgraced former lawyer Michael Cohen has re-registered as a Democrat, taking his flip-flopping on his former boss to the logical extreme. Until June, Cohen served as the RNC’s deputy finance chair.

Since falling out with Trump over hush money he paid to porn star Stormy Daniels, with whom the president allegedly had an affair in 2006, Cohen has been edging away from anything that might be associated with the Trump administration.

After pleading guilty to tax fraud, bank fraud and campaign finance violations in August, Cohen has been actively cooperating with the ‘Russia collusion’ probe, and was reported to have sat down for hours of interviews with FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

The announcement of Cohen’s latest about-face was carried by his lawyer, Lanny Davis, on Twitter, who called Cohen’s decision to change parties “another step in his journey” on which he embarked in July, when he told ABC in an exclusive interview that he would put his country and family before Trump.

“I will not be a punching bag as part of anyone’s defense strategy,” he said. Cohen insists that he paid $130,000 to Daniels at the personal direction of Trump, who thus encouraged him to commit a crime. Trump has dismissed Cohen’s account of events, accusing his former lawyer of making up stories to curry favor with the prosecution amid an ongoing Russia probe.

While many former Trump officials are now on bad terms with the President, – look no further than former White House chief strategist “sloppy” Steve Bannon or former White House aide Omarosa Manigault-Newman, – Cohen’s flip seems the most extreme, as it was only last September that he vowed to “take a bullet for the president.”

Yeah, I wonder why his transformation was so much more extreme?

I wonder…