Trump’s Joe Rogan Interview is Okay

It was a big deal that Donald Trump was going on Joe Rogan. The interview was released a few hours ago.

This is more evidence that Trump is going to “win” the upcoming fake election. Rogan is ultra-careful, and refused to interview Trump for many years because he didn’t want the backlash, despite the fact that it would be one of the biggest interviews in history.

At time of writing, it has 3 million on YouTube, meaning it likely has 15 million on the podcast, which is where most people listen.

He probably will not beat Tucker’s Putin interview, but he might get second place.

He is pretty tapped in, because he has this big public, powerful role, and he’s easy to get along with, so he talks to a lot of people. The government has been breathing down his neck for years now, and it really intensified during the virus hoax, and it’s almost certain that if he did this Trump interview and then Kamala “won” the fake election, the media/government would do an Alex Jones against him.

There isn’t anything particularly interesting about the interview, at least not for people familiar with Donald Trump. Rogan is jungled up with the Jews (presumably for self-preservation), so that issue didn’t get pressed.

It is impressive that Trump will just go on any show and answer any question. He is constantly being attacked for his statements, but the reason he makes all of these statements they attack him over is that he’s constantly on shows, talking to whichever people want to interview him.

The interview is 3 hours long. Imagine Biden or Kamala doing a 3-hour free-form interview.

I’m not trying to pump Trump up, I’m definitely not telling people to participate in this goofy election hoax, but he is impossible not to like. That’s the reason why it’s so frustrating that he’s such a Jewish shill. If he’s not talking about Jews, I largely agree with him. The problem is, most of the campaign is about Jews now. These side comments, like “I’ll abolish income tax and replace it with tariffs” are fun and cool, but that is not going to happen, just like he didn’t build a wall or a Deportation Force to round up all the brown people and just throw them in vans and dump them on the other side of the border.

This interview, which is more important than anything else he’s done this cycle, was released at the same exact time – maybe within 10-15 minutes time – that Israel announced that they were beginning the bombing of Iran. So that is the direction that is all going in.

Of course, it’s taken as a given that either party is all-in for the Jews, and given that the Jews are the main focus of the US government, and given that Trump can’t really get anything done, and given that Trump has cracked on all of these social issues, it’s difficult to see what meaningful differences there are between the two candidates. The one thing that is objective is that Trump was much better for the economy, but how is a war with Iran going to affect that? If Iran closes the Straits, which they almost certainly will do, isn’t that going to ruin everything?

There are maybe a series of things that would be worse with Kamala, which would be a second Biden administration, but with Trump, the big problem is you’re going to have a president popular with young white men telling them to sign up to go fight wars for Israel.

Here is a series of highlight clips for people who don’t have time to watch a three-hour interview.