Oh, the horror.
A nephew of Donald Trump reportedly recalls in his upcoming memoir the time in the early 1970s when his uncle allegedly used a racial slur after finding two gashes in the canvas roof of his Cadillac Eldorado convertible.
“‘N*****s,’ I recall him saying disgustedly. ‘Look what the n*****s did,’” Fred C. Trump III reportedly remembered his uncle raging to him as written in his book “All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way,” which the Guardian published an excerpt from on Wednesday. The book is scheduled for release on July 30.
Then-real estate developer Donald Trump didn’t actually know who was responsible for the damage, said his nephew, whose sister is a vocal Trump critic, Mary Trump.
But the current GOP presidential nominee still went “straight to the place where people’s minds sometimes go when they face a fresh affront. Across the racial divide,” Trump III noted of the moment, according to The Guardian.
Well – white people didn’t do it! Come on! wtf?
Trump 2024 campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung has trashed the claim.
It’s “completely fabricated and total fake news of the highest order,” he told The Daily Beast. “It is appalling a lie so blatantly disgusting can be printed in media.”
No one can prove that is true.
But if it were, why would it matter?
Is it really a big deal? Have we not all seen some piece of pointless destruction of something beautiful and reflexively blamed “niggers”?
Black people reflexively blame whites if something in their neighborhood gets fixed.
Anyway, this whole “Trump said the n-word” thing has been going on and on. I would assume he did. Everyone did. Even when I was a kid in the 1990s, no one cared about this. Why would anyone care? It’s goofy to care.
Mike Tyson doesn’t care.
Iron Mike is an American icon, by the way.
Find me a “racist” who will deny that.
Even the most hardcore racists I’ve ever met respect Mike Tyson, Tina Turner, and others, proving that they are not judging anyone by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
I hope Mike doesn’t lose to Jake Paul. I really don’t want this fight to happen. I wish Mike would have completely retired after the Buster Douglas debacle. He should have actually just retired before that as the champ (but he says some nip bitch seduced him the night before the Douglas fight and sucked out all his vital essence with her vagina, which is probably true).
But when I saw him go down, it felt like somebody died. I had to close my eyes, just to stop the tears.
How much worse will it be when it is Jake Paul taking him down?
Jake Paul is a fucking science experiment and I don’t think he should be beating up on Our Iron Mike.
I understand Our Mike was not really very responsible with money, because he’s black, and probably needs the money, and is going to make a huge amount of money, even if he loses. Which I mean, he will lose – this is more circus sideshow shit, which even the fat Irish retard carney barker Dana White is against.
If there’s a way he loses with grace, maybe it’s not the end of America.
But if Iron Mike gets knocked out – or dies, which is possible – in the Jake Paul fight, then that is 100% the total end of America, forever.