Truth Will Out Radio: Christmas Day Special 2015

Radio Aryan
December 26, 2015


In this special Christmas Day edition of Truth Will Out Radio Dennis Wise and Sven Longshanks look back over the series and discuss the main points from each podcast.

The series started with an explanation of who Aleister Crowley was and examples were given of his huge influence on society through the celebrities that adhere to his doctrines. This evil genius who called himself ‘The Beast’ has cropped up quite a few times in the series, as many of the people featured in Communism by the Back Door claim to be influenced by him. Another theme that has continued right the way through from the first episode has been Freemasonry and how the Jews used it to take control of our countries. Crowley had completed all the rites and degrees of Freemasonry and was possibly the world’s most highly accomplished Freemason, yet he was idolised by much of the so-called alternative movement of the sixties. After tracing his influence through Hollywood and the music industry Dennis produced an episode of the documentary concentrating on the Druids. This caused quite a bit of controversy at the time and the difference between Freemasonic Druids and the original Celtic Druids is explained once again.

The fourth episode went back to National Socialist territory and debunked the conspiracy theory that Hitler was funded by the bankers. This crazy idea flies in the face of everything that National Socialism was about and the two hosts give plenty of examples to prove this and also explain why the deception was promoted in the first place.

The sixth episode was entitled ‘The World’s Worst Jew’ and Dennis adds to the previous discussion by putting forward Jagoda Kaganovich, the chief of the Cheka as being the world’s worst Jew. The problem with picking the worst Jew, is that it implies that there are some Jews who are not so bad. Yet all Jews are a threat to the White race even if they pose no immediate danger, because there is always a chance that their offspring will. ‘Good’ Jews also lull Gentiles into a false sense of security and cause us to let our guards down, so that the ‘Bad’ Jews can then take advantage. Just because there is an exception to the rule, does not mean that the rule does not exist.

Next up was the creation of Israel and the Jewish war against Christianity. The Jews’ hatred of Christ is another theme that has continued throughout the whole series. It is not just the White race that the Jew seeks to replace, but the religion of the White race too. Christianity identifies the Jew as the Devil and the Anti-Christ, yet somehow they have managed to twist things so that Judao-Christians think the Jews are allies. The subversion of the church has been so great, that just this month the pope has inferred that the Jews are superior to Christians by declaring that Jews are the only people in the world that do not have to repent of their sins to Christ.

Finally we get to the invasion of Europe and Merkel’s invitation to the whole of the Arab world to loot and pillage Germany. At this point Dennis’ new documentary series started looking specifically at White genocide and the plan to replace all White people with a brown mass of indeterminate humanity ruled over by the Jews. The pace of the race-replacement increased ten-fold at this point and the ramifications of Merkel’s treachery are still being felt throughout Europe.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise

Truth Will Out Radio: Christmas Day Special 2015

Download (59:20)

The rest of the series will be dealt with in a special New Year’s Day episode next Friday.

See the daily schedule for more nationalist audio available to download.

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