Truth Will Out Radio: Civic National Socialism

Radio Aryan
January 21, 2017

Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise present a new episode of Truth Will Out Radio and they start by giving some commentary on Trump’s acceptance speech. If he had been talking about the ethnic nation rather than the country, this speech could have been written by Hitler. It was the best speech you could expect to hear from a civic nationalist, putting the needs of the nation above all else is exactly what National Socialism is centred on, its just with National Socialism that nation is bonded by blood, not just the land that it lives on.

Dennis points out that he finds Trump’s love for Israel unsettling, but if he had been anti-Jew then he may not have got this far without being assassinated. Having a patriot in charge of the most powerful country in the world is way better than any of us were expecting to happen up until last year. Trump says America will no longer interfere in other countries, will defend it’s borders and will get everyone back to work rebuilding roads, bridges, railways and infrastructure. This is very similar to how Hitler pulled Germany out of recession, the only difference being Hitler’s awareness of the usury scam.

After discussing the inauguration, Dennis lets us know that he is thinking of producing a new narrated documentary detailing all the censored political events of the last century leading up to where we are now. This will expose the Jewish role in the Bolshevik revolution, the Arab Spring, the Ukraine coup and the anti-Trump riots. All these were funded and encouraged by the same money power that Hitler took on and defeated for a short time. The new film should appeal to the people who felt the old ones were too long and included too much reading and it also means that the Truth Will Out series will be a trilogy.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise

Truth Will Out Radio: Civic National Socialism – TWOR 012017

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