Truth Will Out Radio: Flouting the Laws from Germany to Waco

Radio Aryan
May 13, 2016


Messerschmitt joins Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise once again to begin the podcast with a presentation on the life of Admiral Karl Donitz.

We learn about how Donitz started his career in the Imperial German Navy and that he was decorated in the first World War by both Germany and the Ottoman Empire. In the interwar years he came up with theories regarding tactics and strategies of submarine warfare which in the war proved to be very effective. His successes as Commander of the Submarine Fleet were soon rewarded with promotions resulting in his appointment in 1943 as Grand Admiral, the highest Naval rank possible in the Third Reich.

Towards the very end of the war he was responsible for Operation Hannibal, the largest evacuation operation in history, which saved almost 2 million Germans from the raping and murdering Bolsheviks. Soon after having ordered the German armed forces to surrender, the last legitimate German government was arrested and illegally deposed by the Allies. After the war he was unjustly imprisoned for 10 years in the same prison as Rudolf Hess.

Living a quiet life until his death in 1980 at the age of 89, he was buried near the village he had lived in and thousands came to pay their last respects to him, including members of the British Royal Navy and over a hundred of other Knight’s Cross recipients.

After that, Dennis talks about the work he has been doing for Part 18 of Communism by the Back Door which should be released in the next 48 hours. Using audio from Bill Cooper, he continues the documentary going from the Founding Fathers original vision for America to the abuse of law that led to the devastation of Waco. Despite being Freemasons, the originators of the American government were trying to do what was best for the people and free them from tyrannical monarchies in Europe. However the Declaration of Independence was soon twisted to include Negroes in it, despite being obviously intended to exclude them.

As well as declaring the equality of all White men, the Founding fathers also ensured that Americans would have the right to bear arms. The reasons for this have been forgotten in Britain, where people assume the police are there to prevent crime, but forget that the police are only called in after a crime has been committed. The right to carry arms was also to help prevent a tyranny forming within the new American system of government, but it seems to have failed in that respect.

If you trust your citizens then they should be encouraged to have weapons on hand, in case the country is invaded by a foreign power. In Switzerland every house has to have a gun by law because of this. In Gaddafi’s Libya also, every household was required to be armed. You would not need a standing army if this was the case, as if anyone invaded the whole populace could rise up against them. The reasons why Americans dont are complicated, but that does not stop Obama from being desperate to withdraw this right.

Dennis and Sven talk about the merits of being armed before finishing the podcast with a look at how the NWO tried to get people to believe in aliens, in order to promote internationalism. In the end this scheme was not necessary, as the threat of climate change and communism before that proved to be successful enough in advancing the cause of the NWO.

Presented by Sven Longshanks, Dennis Wise and Messerschmitt

Truth Will Out Radio: Flouting the Laws from Germany to Waco – TWOR 051316

Download (59:56)

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