Truth Will Out Radio: Individual Depravity and National Devastation

Radio Aryan
December 12, 2015


Dennis Wise joins Sven Longshanks to discuss the imminent release of Communism by the Back Door Part 14.

Dealing with the American Neo-Cons, Dennis traces them back to Irving Kristol who was really a Trotskyite.

The Trotskyites wanted to have an overarching one world communist government and they infiltrated the conservatives in America in order to do it.

The same thing was happening in Britain too, which will be dealt with in Part 13 as part of the White Genocide episode.

Following the trail of the Trots to the Iranian revolution and the hostage crisis which helped cement Reagan’s bid for power, Dennis explains how both the Left and the Right really have the same agenda, achieving the New World Order and a One World Government.

Whether the Neo-Cons are involved in personal abuse of individuals or the destruction of entire countries, it always serves the goal of putting the Jews in power ruling over a subservient slave race.

In the second half of the podcast, both hosts take a look at the Wikipedia page devoted to ‘debunking’ holocaust denial.

This atrocious slander on the Germans does not hold up to scrutiny and despite attempts to use the law to silence researchers, the truth is starting to surface all over the internet.

Dennis explains why he chose the pieces he did to illustrate this lie in his Adolf Hitler documentary and why he finds the subject so compelling.

Finally both threads of the podcast are brought together by showing how the instructions on how to deceive and enslave humanity originated in the Jew’s Talumd.

Hosted by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise

Truth Will Out Radio: Individual Depravity and National Devastation

Download (59:55)

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