Truth Will Out Radio: The Swastika, the Black Sun, Turkey and the Lord’s Prayer

Radio Aryan
November 27, 2015


Lots of issues covered this week as Dennis Wise and Sven Longshanks answer questions and comments and Dennis gives an update on part 14 of Communism by the Back Door.

The White genocide subject will be continued in Part 13, part 14 deals with the Neo-Cohens. Dennis explains how they are all about war, from the devastating terror-bombing in Germany through the hell-bomb in Hiroshima up to the depleted uranium missiles in Iraq, these Jews and Shabbas Goy are all about causing maximum bloodshed in order to instil fear in the population.

The next country on their list is Syria, but their excuses for attacking the place are dwindling by the day as Putin continues to cleanse the land of the towel-head barbarians being sent in by Turkey.

Turkey has exposed itself as being the foremost sponsor of Islamic State, giving them weapons, buying their oil and providing safe passage to Syria for inbred jihadis from all over the world.

Instead of defending Europe from the Moslem terrorists already within her borders, European leaders are faffing about building a ‘coalition’ so they can get an illegal pass from the UN to go and defend their Al Quiada affiliates in the Levant.

While all this is going on the cinemas in Britain have banned the Lord’s prayer from being said on screen, while the TV companies are filling their soap operas with verses from the Koran and White women bedding down with sand-people.

The general feeling of the public is against going to war in Syria, but few have stood up to challenge the banning of the Lord’s prayer and the promotion of the Koran.

Of course the source of the ban is the Jews, who  cannot stand hearing Christian prayer, the same as they cannot stand seeing the Christian Cross or hearing the Christian ten commandments.

The Cross and the Swastika have been used by White people since before Christianity, yet the Jews have the audacity to call the Celtic Cross a hate symbol and to demand that India ban the Swastika.

As well as giving a short history of those symbols, the origin of the Black Sun motif is discussed and how it often gets mistaken for an eclipse, but in reality is a symbol for the invisible light that animates us, the spiritual light that the Bible tells us is actually Christ himself.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise

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