Truth Will Out Radio: Tyson Fury Beats Devil-Worshipping Jews

Radio Aryan
December 4, 2015

White Christian hero thrashes devil-worshipping Jew

Dennis Wise joins Sven Longshanks to discuss his on-going background research for his new documentary series Communism by the Back Door.

This week Dennis has some good news, he has been following the fortunes of boxer Tyson Fury who has broken free of the politically correct narrative and spoken out against homosexuality, abortion and paedophilia. Fury should be the sports personality of the year, as he has just beaten the 11 year heavy-weight champion of the world Wladimir Klitschko, but because of his anti-liberal stance, the Left are clamouring for him to be disqualified from the personality prize.

As well as claiming the end of the world will come when the West finally legalises paedophilia, Fury has also called his Ukrainian opponent a ‘devil worshipper’.This could be more truthful than he realises, since Klitschko is a Jew, as was revealed by Andrew Anglin in the Daily Stormer back in February 2014. Was Fury aware of this fact and is that why he made the devil-worshipper reference? Either way, it is extremely refreshing to hear such views aired in the mainstream media.

Also this week the British parliament voted to drop bombs on Syria, in order to protect Britons from Moslems already inside Britain. The foolishness of doing this is discussed along with an example of why democracy can never work given to us by the Labour Party, who could not agree among themselves which way the party should vote.

Dennis also addresses some questions from his Youtube channel on the holohoax, as well as a question on a circular issued by the Pope in German criticising National Socialism and a question about pantheism, both sent from the chatroom.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise

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