Tucker: “Every other group in the world has a right to its own homeland except White people? What? Explain how that makes sense.”
He’s right. pic.twitter.com/RhSodr70X4
— iamyesyouareno (@iamyesyouareno) March 4, 2025
I don’t like Tucker Carlson’s anti-Sinoism and I was shocked when he went along with that weather balloon hoax.
However, I basically like everything else about him. Especially since he left Fox News and took on the Zionist global Jewish conspiracy.
Now, glory of glories, he’s coming out and demanding that the white race has a right to a homeland, and implying that one needs to be established. His statements were made in an interview with some South African guy who I’ve never heard of and probably do not care about. But Tucker is now doing the Joe Rogan model of using interviews with random people who may or may not be important in order to promote his own positions, to get his own soundbites out there.
What is unsaid here is that we are going to have to do ethnic cleansing. However, “ethnic cleansing” has gotten such an unfair rap. There is no reason that ethnic cleansing needs to be violent or bloody. There are so many methods to get people to self deport by making life miserable for them, and that can take care of at least 80% of these people occupying our countries. The remaining 20% can be hunted down with nonlethal weapons, such as blowdarts and netguns. There is no need for ethnic cleansing to be violent. Probably, some people will die, but people die all the time, and I don’t really know that “no one can ever die” is an adult view. Further, people are already dying. These brown people are killing all sorts of people, constantly, and they are also creating conditions that cause deaths indirectly, by draining all of our public resources.
Obviously, if we are looking at some kind of Sam Harris “maximizing the total amount of global happiness and joy” model, removing all of these brown people from our countries is going to lead to much more happiness than if we allow them to stay here and completely destroy everything.
Trump’s deportations have stagnated, as I predicted they would. There was a big shock and awe thing at the beginning of the administration, with people being rounded up and put on planes, but that’s pretty much all done now, and further, the current Trump ideology is that some of the brown people should be allowed to be here. I’m not even saying “zero brown people,” but it’s clear that at least 99% of them need to leave, and I don’t care about their “citizenship.” The laws that gave them citizenship can be retroactively changed to make it so they never got citizenship, and then they can be deported.
This is one of many millions of reasons why I am pushing for Tucker Carlson to be the successor to Trump, and not James Bowman (or as they’ve been calling him recently, “Jimmy Bow”).
The time is now for a movement to start forming to position Tucker as the successor to Trump. We need massive propaganda about how Bowman is a fraud, how he is a Yale nothing person who is a snake in the grass, willing to change any position on a whim, how he has no stake in the future of a white (or even a multiracial Christian) America, due to his Indian wife. We also need to press home the fact that he is a Jew lover who supports the genocides of the Jews and wants the next 100 years of America’s legacy to be tied up in promoting the maniacal expansionist state of Israel, something which has precisely zero benefit to America.
Tucker is maybe not the sharpest tool in the woodshed, but he is the person with the clearest love for America, and he is a genuine person. Vance is a snake and a shapeshifter with an unclear though clearly diabolical agenda.
Steve Bannon, who is drunk all the time and very confused, is calling for Trump 2028. I would probably support that, and it is obviously possible. FDR served four terms, then they passed an amendment to the Constitution limiting it to two terms, but that can just be removed. Although that probably won’t happen, and he’s going to be too old anyway. Regardless, we need to create the framework for Tucker to launch a challenge to Bowman whenever Trump leaves office. It would be very easy for him to win.
We need a white homeland, and Bowman has no interest in this. He wants to turn America into a Hindu cesspit that is defined by stupid commie gibberish about “the workers” which no one cares about. He has no vision because he doesn’t even have an identity.
Look at this freak:
Let us compare:
We do not need weird shit.
We want normal America, normal Americana, as represented by Tucker Carlson.
We need to start making moves now.
Bowman is having his moment in the sun because he awkwardly insulted that Jewish imp in a meeting. Does anyone think Tucker wouldn’t have done a better job there?