Tucker Carlson Slams Fringe Conspiracy Theorist for Spreading Fake News Hoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 14, 2016

Tucker Carlson is like a whirlwind storm!

Here you have him mercilessly crushing Robert McElvaine (@BobMcElvaine), a professor who is frantically spreading the fringe conspiracy theory – based on a viral fake news hoax – that Russia was responsible for the Wikileaks documents released before the election.

I posted another Carlson clip today and pointed out that he didn’t use the same argument I would have used. That is the same case with this. Rather than asking for proof the Russians hacked the emails – there is no proof for this and the claim is simply a weird conspiracy theory – he instead asked for proof that the emails affected the outcome of the election.

Whatever the case, he totally destroyed him.

I sure hope people continue to try to cuck the Tuck. Because I don’t want this ride to ever end. I could watch him making that gape face on YouTube for the rest of my life. Seriously, I hope that in 2040, there is some cuck arguing that against Crusaderbot extermination robots clearing out what remains of the population of the Middle East, and a 70-something year-old Carlson is on YouTube making that same face at him.

Zero Hedge collected some of the goofy tinfoil that McElvaine has been spreading.

How Putin Would Be Able to Control Trump

Ronald Reagan completed the winning of the Cold War. Donald Trump as president would be very likely to transform that American victory into a Russian triumph.

Are Republicans prepared to live with that outcome? Those who aren’t need immediately to join with concerned Democrats and hammer out a Compromise of 2016 that will create a National Unity Government without a Putin puppet in the Oval Office.

Where Is the Outrage? Where Are the Patriots?

We have only seven days to save the Republic from a hostile takeover by billionaire American oligarchs and their Russian backers. Are there no courageous patriots in the top ranks of the news media? How about political leaders from both parties who could come forward and work out a compromise Government of National Unity not including Trump, such as the one suggested here, that could be presented to the Electors. Are there not at least 38 Republican Electors who would be willing to put their nation above their party and do what the Framers of the Constitution intended Electors to do in a crisis such as this: prevent the election of a dangerous demagogue and a foreign power gaining, as Alexander Hamilton put it in The Federalist No. 68, “an improper ascendant in our councils … by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?”

Save America through a Compromise of 2016

After each side comes up with a proposal, leaders from each group can enter negotiations to reach an agreement acceptable to both by next weekend that can be announced before December 19, with a call on Electors from both parties to support the chosen candidates. In light both of her large margin of victory in the actual vote and of the Russian intervention against her, it is entirely reasonable that the president chosen in these negotiations should by Hillary Clinton, with a Republican Vice President. Only if acceptance of that outcome proves impossible to achieve should Mrs. Clinton agree to step aside and call for the Electors from both parties to join together in choosing a ticket of sane people not under the influence of Mr. Putin.

Hillary Can Be A Hero By Saving America From Trump

Given the general disarray of the Trump campaign during the primaries, it is likely that a good number of the people chosen as Republican Electors in states that he carried are not particularly loyal to him. One, Chris Suprun of Texas, declared on Monday that he will not vote for Trump. “I am here to elect a president, not a king,” he said. He is leaning towards voting for Gov. Kasich. If Hillary Clinton and Democratic Electors get the ball rolling, it is likely that more Republicans who are fearful of what Trump might do can be brought into the compromise for the good of the nation.

It is a no-lose proposition for Democrats, because, as Mr. Cannon says, “If Democrats believe Trump poses a unique threat to the republic, and signal this is not okay by reaching across the aisle to marginalize and stop him, then win or lose, Democrats could legitimately claim they put partisanship aside for the good of the country.”

This is an opportunity that must be seized immediately. Go for it, Mrs. Clinton and Democrats! There’s not a moment to waste. This proposal can determine, in Lincoln’s words, whether we shall “nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of earth.”

Such a selfless, patriotic act would be a crowning achievement for Secretary Clinton’s career of public service.

The viral spread of this latest fake news hoax has really highlighted the dangerous that fake news presents to our democracy, which has led many to call for President Trump to appoint a Committee of Unamerican Activities to investigate and punish Jew journalists who are spreading vicious lies and disinformation on the internet.