Tucker Carlson Smashes Weasel Professor

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 14, 2016

Tucker Carlson doesn’t really push our views. I mean, there’s a little bit of overlap, just because he’s pro-Trump, but basically he’s weaker than Trump himself as far as actual positions go.

However what he does embody is our tone. And that means a lot.

Here you see him destroying a professor who claims that Trump “embodies white supremacy.”

He doesn’t use any of the points we would use – honestly, I don’t really even have a problem with the statement “Trump embodies white power” – but he still is able to break the guy down and make him look like a total fool.


By the way, he mixes something up in his one example of Trump “embodying white supremacy” – he says @WhiteGenocideTM was the one who tweeted the black crime statistics which ended up being wrong (regrettably). But I just remember WG tweeting the picture of Jeb outside Trump Tower. Pretty sure someone else tweeted the black crime stats.

Professor Tony Macula will probably never recover from this. Sad!

I have no idea why these people keep going on Tuck’s show. He is always ready to defeat them. Since this started – I’m not actually even sure when it started – I haven’t seen him interview anyone he wasn’t 100% prepared for.