Tucker Carlson STICKS HIS BOOT Up Russian Kike MAX BOOT’S ASS!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2017

This week on Tucker vs The Kikes: Max Boot (@MaxBoot – EXPLOITABLE).

Max Boot is a Jewish Russian kike who is obsessed with war with Russia. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a regular writer for The Washington Post and the New York Times.

Boot made it clear – and I’m sure we all appreciate this – that although Putin is pretty much exactly like Hitler, he isn’t actually Hitler, because there is only one Hitler.

He plays the “conservative” side of the Jew system – that is, the side that is pro-World War III, but is against gay marriage and certain types of taxes and entitlements. This is opposed to the “liberal” side, that is pro-World War III, but is for gay marriage and certain types of taxes and entitlements.

Is it real in Max Boot’s mind, or does he just want it to be real in the minds of the goyim? Answering that question is like opening Lemarchand’s box.

Tucker of course is the as-of-yet-to-be-classified sort who is against World War III. Before Trump, there was no political orientation in the United States that did not involve an aggressive push for nuclear war in order to save democracy and human rights in the Ukraine.

Tucker is now the most popular news host on cable news. And he also happens to be the only one who agrees with all of the positions of the Daily Stormer. That is to say, everything that he says we agree with. He obviously isn’t calling for RaHoWa on Fox News, though it is doubtless that he reads this site and is well aware of the Jewish problem.

For many years, “conservatives,” based on the doctrines of Ronald Reagan, were entirely willing to go along with every form of globalism and the violent anal rape of the United States – just as long as it had a Jesus stamp on it. Because Boomers effectively killed the Christian religion with their “evangelical” feelgood doctrines and science fiction gibberish, those inclined to right-wing thought are no longer moved by “conservatism,” so the Republican party is effectively at war with its own voters – and its own leader.

Boomer literally rewrote the ancient Christian religion as a science fiction novel. Which was then made into a direct-to-Bluray film with Nick Cage. But don’t blame Nick. Blame your parents. 

Even the remaining “bomb em for Jesus” Evangelical “Christians” – to be true, Evangelicalism is so alien to anything that was formerly called “Christianity,” that it should be considered a separate religion altogether – are pretty war weary after watching our boys die and get their legs blown off in order to create ISIS.

Great effort though!

But these chosen people are still out there every day, hitting the streets and demanding that Christians and right-wingers go along with their deranged conspiracy theories about Russia, and push for war.

Why they still think it’s a good idea to go on the Tucker Carlson Show to try and push this, I’ve no ability to grasp. At this point, it is masochistic.

I’m okay with Jewish masochism though.

One of the parody song boys should do a version of Papa Roach’s “Last Resort” about a Jew going on the Tucker Carlson Show.

Maybe I should start doing parodies?

Or should I start writing original Nazi folk songs?

Like this post for parodies, share it for original Nazi folk songs.


One thing I can agree with Boot on is mocking John McCain’s impending death.


Hold up.

Is that tweet serious?