Tucker Confronts Gypsy Who Claims He’s Never Heard of Gypsies Shitting in the Street

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2017

No fun headline for this one.

No one got curbed, run over by a truck, disemboweled or thrown in a pit of poisonous snakes.

The gypsy was actually a charismatic guy and went on talking about how his mother loved Tucker, and sort of none of the segment ended up working out very well.

He said he’d never heard of gypsies shitting in the street. Which is like bringing a Moslem on and having him say “I’ve never heard of Moslems committing terrorism.”

Or an Antifa claiming that Antifa aren’t violent.

If you go to Romania, it is the first thing that anyone wants to tell you – “those people are not Romanians and they shit in the street.”

But most people haven’t been around gypsies and so don’t know, so he can just be like, “hm yeah, never heard of this before,” and make Tucker look like he’s just being nasty.

I wouldn’t say he beat him, but he is definitely someone who watches the show and knew what he was walking into.

But still, it’s good that Tucker is getting our stories on Fox News. On the most watched cable news show of all, in fact.