#TuckerCoup: Feminists Screwed Themselves

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 19, 2017

Just when you were about to OD on black pills…

The only Alt-Right show on TV just became the number one show on TV.

The Hill:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is moving into Bill O’Reilly’s coveted 8 p.m. time slot in the wake of O’Reilly’s departure from the network.

Fox unveiled its new weeknight schedule moments after announcing O’Reilly was leaving the network in the wake of sexual harassment allegations.

“Tucker Carlson Tonight” will move from its 9 p.m. spot into O’Reilly’s longtime 8 p.m. slot.

“The O’Reilly Factor” has been the top-rated cable news show for the past 15 years, and the combative conservative host leaves big shoes to fill.

But Carlson has shown a knack for drawing ratings at Fox. Originally airing at 7 p.m. when it debuted in September, “Tucker Carlson Tonight” was moved to the 9 p.m. spot after Megyn Kelly left Fox News in November. Kelly had been the second-most-watched host on cable, but Carlson bested her ratings in the time slot.

Feminist sluts really screwed themselves on this one.

Slaughtering a man for telling some disgusting black bitch she had a dank booty – only to have him replaced with a man who crushes them every single time he opens his mouth.

This is like… some analogy from ancient Rome that I can’t think of right now. Basic idea: killing a weak enemy to have him replaced with a much, much stronger enemy.

Plus, Tucker is like, definitely not the flirty type. He’s a nerd. The alpha male nerd.



Silly, stupid women.


This is fantastic news though.

Really, the best thing that’s happened in the last 12 days.

And though as a man, on some level I feel sorry for Bill… no, actually I don’t feel sorry for Bill at all. He’s a scumbag. I’m against what happened on principle, because firing a guy whose had the number one show for 15 years because they allegedly flirted with women around the office is like so insane it’s difficult to even wrap your head around.

But screw that guy, he was a prick.