Tuesday: Sessions Testimony Before the Sanhedrin will be Public

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 12, 2017

The Jew-Democrats have begged for this.

As I’ve mentioned, Sessions is a boy scout Southern conservative Christian, the type the Jews think – usually correctly – that they can run circles around. Southern communities, especially of Sessions’ era, are much higher trust than other communities in America (besides the black problem, which is very simple), and intuitively, Southerners have a difficult time understanding the Jew behavior pattern.

I come from a relatively large midwest city, and it took me a long time to come to grips with just how diabolical the Jews actually are.

However, I think he’s being properly coached on this after that last debacle with Al Franken, where the kike set him up with a question that was asked in a purposefully deceitful way (Franken obviously knew he had met with the Russian ambassador – that would have been easy information to come across, if not to simply assume as obvious – but asked the question in such a way as to imply that he was speaking of non-normal communications, rather than a standard meeting with an ambassador. If Franken was not a filthy, sneaking kike trying to Jew us, he could have simply said “not even the ambassador?” and Sessions would have explained yes, he had a routine meeting with the Russian ambassador as he regularly has routine meetings with all kinds of ambassadors.

If you’ll remember, this like trick is what led to Sessions recusing himself from the Russia probe, which along with making him look guilty when he obviously isn’t, put the Jew deputy secretary in charge of the investigation, the Jew appointing this Mueller crucifixion squad.

Anyway, the Jews think they can Jew him like they did with that. That’s why they’re chopping at the bit here.

But I have faith.


Attorney General Jeff Sessions will testify at a public hearing of the Senate intelligence committee Tuesday afternoon, the committee said in a statement.

This will be the first time Sessions has testified in Congress since he recused himself from the Justice Department’s probe into Russian meddling in last year’s election and the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Questions have arisen about Sessions’ own involvement in the Trump campaign and his meetings with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the US.

Pressure mounted at the start of the week following reports that Sessions offered his resignation to Trump because the President blamed Sessions for exacerbating his Russia problems by recusing himself from the probe.

Yeah, that was the third biggest fuck up of this whole clusterfuck, for sure.

But the first biggest fuck-up was Trump acquiescing – just a little bit – to the idea that Russia did Wikileaks. I’m not going to pull the quote, but it was something like: “I don’t know if it was the Russians. It could have been the Russians. It was probably the Russians.”

Never, never, never should he have given that ground based on CrowdStrike’s claims, which they themselves haven’t even stood behind.

Basically, that needs backtracked on. Pretty much no matter what. The idea that Trump was helped by the Russians will always make him look like a Russian agent, even if they decide he didn’t “collude.” The fact that 17 intelligence agencies agreed Russia did Wikileaks – including the Podesta phishing email (!!!!) – also proves, beyond any doubt, that the entire leadership of the intelligence community is involved in a conspiracy to defraud the American people with the intent to start a World War with Russia.

The second biggest fuck-up was firing General Flynn.

But yeah, Sessions recusal was the third biggest in this whole mess, for sure. Well, that combined with letting Franken Jew him, which was the lead up.

That said, I agree with Trump’s refusal of Sessions’ offer of resignation over that. Sessions is a true believer in Trumpism, and he is extremely capable if it doesn’t come to dealing with Jews or being caught up in some kind of Christina moral quandary.

“(Sessions) believes it is important for the American people to hear the truth directly from him and looks forward to answering the committee’s questions tomorrow,” a Justice Department spokesperson said.

As late as Sunday, the Justice Department signaled it expected Sessions testimony to be closed but said the final decision was up to the committee.

But behind the scenes, there was significant pushback from Democrats — including Senate Intelligence Committee vice chairman Mark Warner — who raised objections with Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr that Sessions may be trying to skirt public scrutiny. Discussions between the members continued through Sunday and into Monday morning, two sources said.

The Justice Department ultimately agreed to a Tuesday public hearing in an attempt to show there’s nothing to hide and nothing controversial about Sessions’ interactions with Russian officials, officials said.

Cornyn, R-Texas, said that he was confident Sessions will put an end to the “myths” surrounding recent reports, with his testimony.

“I know him to be an honorable man, and I think this is just a chance for him to put all that to rest,” Cornyn said.

The announcement caps the drama that started over the weekend when Sessions canceled two appearances Tuesday, citing former Comey’s blistering testimony last week.

Comey told the intelligence committee in a closed session that Sessions may have had a third, undisclosed interaction with Russia’s ambassador to the US, according to people familiar with the briefing.

Basically, Sessions has proven to be a boy scout to the point of utter absurdity.

So him going under oath and saying Comey is a liar is going to be a very good thing.

I just hope he’s able to handle these Jews.

The key here is verbosity. It’s obvious he hasn’t done anything wrong. They are going to try to pull the same trick again, where they ask him a question he doesn’t understand includes things which it naturally shouldn’t include.

We don’t have a time yet, but they’ve said afternoon.

We’ll have the stream up here, of course.