Tulsi Gabbard Defends BFF Relationship with Assad Against Filthy Ratlike Kike Jake Tapper

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard is the only candidate of either party that is against Jewish war.

That’s why I want her to be my new mommy.


Democratic presidential challenger Tulsi Gabbard has refused to budge on her anti-war views and apologize for meeting Syrian President Bashar Assad in 2017, defending dialogue as the “only alternative” to “more war.”

Anti-war congresswoman and Iraq veteran Gabbard (D-Hawaii) was pilloried by mainstream media as well as the political establishment, both on the left and the right, for going on a privately funded fact-finding trip to Syria in January 2017, during which she visited Aleppo and met with President Assad.

Gabbard was labelled an “Assad apologist” and “Putin puppet,” nicknames that have resurfaced after she announced her presidential bid earlier in January. But rather than renouncing the perceived “ills” to rally some mainstream support, Gabbard told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday that she did not regret her decision to speak face-to-face with Assad.

“It continues to be very important for any leader in this country to be willing to meet with others, whether they be friends or adversaries or potential adversaries, if we are serious about the pursuit of peace and securing our country,” Gabbard said. She referred to Trump’s meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to prove her point, saying that the “stakes are far too high” to brush away dialogue if it can help avert a major war.

“It’s why I have urged and continue to urge to meet with people like Kim Jong-un in North Korea because we understand what’s at stake here and the only alternative to having these kinds of conversations is more war,” she said, adding that, as a US Army veteran, she understands all too well the cost of military adventures.

Upon her return from Syria, Gabbard was castigated by fellow Democrats as well as Republicans for cozying up to the Syrian government, almost universally seen by the establishment as a dictatorship that needs to be toppled. The congresswoman, who had also met with Syrian civil activists and religious leaders, said the trip gave her “greater resolve to end our illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government.” Gabbard, who criticized the Obama administration’s involvement in Syria, urged the government to stop providing arms to rebels, lest they fall into the wrong hands.

Tulsi also wants to shut down the homos, something that I am also looking for in a mommy.

If my mommy can’t protect me from homos, then what good is she?

Primarily, I want a mommy that is against everything Jews are trying to do to me and will protect me from these things.