Turkey About to Get BTFO by Russia

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 28, 2015


Turkey has dug itself a grave and has dived into it like it was drunk at a pool party.


Whatever Ankara would claim, it’s beyond its capability to compete with Moscow, German media wrote. Russia not only can hit the Turkish economy hard, but also put an end upon Turkish dreams of becoming a leading power in the Middle East region.

The escalation of tensions with Moscow could not only result in the implemenation of economic sanctions upon Ankara, but also in negative consequences for its role in the whole Middle East region, reporter Thomas Seibert wrote for Der Tagesspiegel.

“Not only are Russo-Turkish relations laid on the line, including gas supplies from Russia and plans of Turkey to create a buffer zone in Syria. Erdogan steps up with an idea of ‘renovated Turkey’” that as a substantive regional power pursues its own interests in the Middle East,” Seibert claimed.

After the Su-24 incident, Erdogan’s senior aide Yiğit Bulut wrote for the Star newspaper that Turkey is a “great country,” which won’t allow anyone to interfere in its internal affairs. The country’s president said that Turkey considers the whole region lying between the Balkans, Caucasus and Northern Africa a zone of its sovereign interests.

“We empire now.” -Erdogan, the Lil Wayne of geopolitics


We’ll see how that one goes…

“However, in reality the state of affairs is different. Erdogan can hardly undertake anything to hamper Russia in Syria,” Seibert argued.

Semih Idiz, a columnist for Hürriyet newspaper, doesn’t rule out that in the developed situation the supporters of Turkey in the north of Syria would come under intensified fire attacks by Russian Aerospace Forces. He also added that “poking the ‘Russian Bear’ comes at a cost.”

“Erdogan’s thesis that Turkey is a substantive regional power in the Middle East has shaken,” the German reporter pointed out.



– come get your boy, dawg.

After the crash of the Russian Su-24, the tone of the Turkish president’s claims have varied from apologetic intonations to harsh ones, Der Tagesspiegel noted. Erdogan either calls for “peace, dialogue and diplomacy” in relations with Russia, or states that Turkey’s aim is to down Russian jets in event the country’s airspace is violated.

“It’s doubtful that this [claim] will make a great impression on Moscow,” Seibert concluded.

Yes. I’d say “doubtful” is correct phrasing.

Putin is already moving to close the Turkish border with Syria.


Russia is ready to coordinate practical steps to block the Turkish-Syrian border in cooperation with Damascus, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Friday after talks with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem.

Lavrov recalled that French President Francois Hollande earlier voiced the proposal to adopt specific measures to block the Turkish-Syrian border.

“We actively support that. We are open for coordination of practical steps, certainly, in interaction with the Syrian government,” he said. “We are convinced that by blocking the border we will in many respects solve the tasks to eradicate terrorism on Syrian soil.”


rekt turkeyofbv926

You gotta love the Russian technique of statement-making.

Sergey Lavrov may be the most reasonable man who ever lived.

Lavrov pointed out that Russia has question about Ankara’s real plans, including those on counter-terrorist efforts.

We think it highly cynical when some of the countries speak about their commitment to the corresponding United Nations Security Council resolutions and declare themselves members of anti-terrorist coalitions but in reality are playing a game where terrorists are allocated the role of secret allies,” Lavrov stressed. “We have more and more questions about Ankara’s real plans and the degree of its readiness to exterminate terrorism, in particular in Syria, and its commitment to the normalization of the situation in Syria.”

The Russian top diplomat drew attention to the statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who stressed that terrorist threat could be countered through the efforts of the entire world community, with due respect to the norms of international law and the United Nations Security Council’s central role.

I probably do not have to state the obvious to the dear reader, but will anyway: if Putin closes the Turkey-Syria border, that ends Merkel’s little project of invading Europe with millions of haji genetic waste specimens.

Haji Storm 2015 is on the verge of getting totally cockblocked.
Haji Storm 2015 is on the verge of getting totally cockblocked by Russia.

I am quite certain that element is not lost on the Russians planning this maneuver. Surely, Putin is not bothered by the idea of becoming a hero to the rising right-wing of Europe.

It will be funny to watch Merkel flip out and start saying there need to be new ways to get migrants directly from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. into Europe. Maybe she’ll finally start flying them directly to Germany and spare the Balkans the horror.

More likely, she will fly them to Greece, so they get the great experience of walking from there into Germany.

Furthering the troubles of Turkish terrorists and their American, European and Jewish terrorist friends, the surface-to-air systems Russia has deployed in Turkey are apparently the most advanced on earth.


Moscow has deployed its most advanced S-400 air defense system, said to have no equals globally, to guard the skies over Syria after a Turkish F-16 fighter shot down a Russian Su-24 bomber over Syrian territory on Tuesday.

The S-400 Triumf (NATO codename SA-21 Growler) is an anti-aircraft and anti-missile system, which is capable of intercepting all types of modern air weaponry, including fifth-generation warplanes, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles at a maximum range of nearly 250 miles. It has a tracking range of over 370 miles.

The system uses three types of long- and medium-range missiles and can simultaneously engage as many as 36 targets.

In addition, the S-400 is the only missile complex in the world capable of hitting targets located beyond the horizon, defense expert Konstantin Sivkov told Radio Sputnik. The system is also well protected against electronic warfare.

No longer shall the rat-faced Turkish apes be able to use their airforce to protect ISIS.

Here’s an infographic with the details (click to enlarge):

russian surface-to-air scheme

Meanwhile, Turkey’s whole crap is collapsing as journalists are being lynched for reporting on Erdogan’s shipments of weapons to ISIS.

Zero Hedge:

One of Turkish president Recep Erdogan’s key contentions in the ongoing diplomatic spat with Russia is that everything that Russia has accused Turkey of doing, from funding the Islamic State’s oil purchases, to providing weapons for Syrian “rebels” intent on eradicating the Assad regime, is unfounded slander without a shred of evidence.

Here is the problem: evidence does exist, as we showed two days ago, when we presented the role Erdogan’s son Bilal has played in ISIS oil transit, and not only that but also proof that Turkey has been smuggling weapons to Syria as the editor and a reporter from Turkey’s Cumhuriyet newspaper showed some time ago.

And in order to eradicate the evidence against him, yesterday Erdogan did what every dictator does when feeling threatened: he had the editor and his reported detained, jailed and accused of espionage precisely over the controversial story about an alleged arms shipment from Turkish intelligence to Syrian rebels.

The two Cumhuriyet journalists were accused of “political or military spying” by reporting “classified information” and “deliberately aiding a terrorist organization.”

In fact, Erdogan personally sued Dundar and is requesting that he be given a life sentence, an aggravated life sentence and an additional 42-year term in prison on charges related to a variety of crimes, ranging from espionage to attempting to topple the government and exposing secret information.

What the reporters were really doing is their job.

As the WSJ reports, “Turkish authorities on Thursday imprisoned Can Dundar, editor in chief of Cumhuriyet, and Erdem Gul, the newspaper’s capital correspondent in Ankara, on charges of spying and aiding a terrorist organization, the newspaper’s attorney said. If convicted, the two men would face life in prison over the charges.”

That definitely doesn’t look good. On a number of levels.

Besides being basically an admission of guilt, the mere act of jailing and prosecuting journalists for investigative reporting surely brings into question the assertions of Mama Merkel (PBUH) that Turkey shares Western democratic values.

Merkel has claimed that the real enemy of Europe is Germany.
Merkel has claimed that the real enemy of Europe is Germany.

This is all shaping up to be a right rodeo, boys!

Stay tuned and find out tomorrow what new chaos shall erupt, as we count down to the breakout of TOTAL WAR.

This may not be the future I would have picked, but I'll take it.
This may not be the future I would have picked, but I’ll take it.

Update 11:58 EST

The US and Turkey have completely stopped bombing in Syria since Russia installed their surface-to-air systems.


Both the American and Turkish air forces halted their strikes on Syrian territory around the time Russia deployed S-400 air defense complexes at the Khmeimim airbase, from which it stages its own incursions against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

A spokesperson of the Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) told Sputnik on Friday that the absence of anti-IS coalition airstrikes “has nothing to do with the S400 deployment” in Syria.

“The fluctuation or absence of strikes in Syria reflects the ebb and flow of battle,” the spokesperson said, adding that CJTF-OIR deliver airstrikes when and where it needs to, dedicating a lot of time to researching targets to ensure maximum effect and minimizing civilian casualties.

As CJTF-OIR reported on Friday, the US-led coalition had made no sorties against targets in Syria since Thursday, while airstrikes against Islamic State in Iraq continued, with the coalition making 18 strikes on terrorist positions.

And here’s a treat: a map of the territory the system covers.


That’s not only nearly all of Syria, but also all of Lebanon and huge parts of Turkey and Israel.