Turkey Closes US Access to Nuclear Base, Accuses Them of Harboring Goldstein Figure

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 16, 2016


Erdogan is officially calling for an extradition of Goldstein.

Washington Post:

He reiterated his accusation that a U.S.-based cleric, Fethullah Gulen, who lives in Pennsylvania, was behind the plot, and called on the United States to extradite the cleric. “Once they hand over that head terrorist in Pennsylvania to us, everything will be clear,” he told the crowd.

Oh, and Goldstein himself is saying Erdogan hoaxed the coup.

Original article follows.


Incirlik air base in Adana, Turkey

Turkey has officially closed access to a US base containing nuclear weapons, while accusing the US of harboring the guy they’re blaming for the coup.


Movement in and out of the Incirlik airbase in southern Turkey has been closed by local military authorities. The NATO base stores US tactical nuclear weapons.

“Local authorities are denying movements on to and off of Incirlik Air Base. The power there has also been cut,” the US consulate in Adana said in a message.

“Please avoid the air base until normal operations have been restored,” it added. No further details were provided.

According to CNN, airspace over the area has also been closed and power to the facility has been cut.

The closure of the airspace has reportedly led to a halt in US air strikes against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). CNN was told by sources that the Turkish authorities did make an exception for US aircraft that had already been deployed on missions before the airspace was shut and allowed them to land at the base.

The air space will be closed until Turkish authorities gain full control over the situation in the region following the coup attempt, Turkish officials told the US, adding that they want to make sure that all elements of the Turkish air force are under the control of pro-government forces, as some warplanes and helicopters were used by rebels overnight.

When the Turkish government closed its airspace to military aircraft, US Air Force operations at the Incirlik base ceased. US CENTCOM is now adjusting its operations against Islamic State to minimize the negative effect of the closure, the source told TASS, adding that the US is now holding consultations with Turkish authorities on the resumption of operations at the base.

The Incirlik airbase is of critical importance to the US military, as not only does it facilitate the US’ aerial operations against terrorists in neighboring Syria and Iraq, but it is also one of six NATO sites in Europe that house tactical nuclear weapons. The exact number of tactical nuclear bombs at the base is classified, although some reports put it at 50 or even 90.


The Turkish government has indirectly criticized its NATO ally, the US, for harboring Fethullah Gülen, whom Ankara blames for masterminding Friday’s military coup attempt.

The cleric is currently living in self-imposed exile in the States. “I do not see any country that would stand behind this man, this leader of the terrorist gang, especially after last night. The country that would stand behind this man is no friend to Turkey. It would even be a hostile act against Turkey,” Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım told reporters on Saturday, as Turkey was recovering from overnight violence.

Commenting on Turkey’s hostility towards the 75-year-old preacher, US Secretary of State John Kerry said Ankara hadn’t requested the cleric’s extradition. The US official said that Washington will be “completely supportive of efforts to assist the government of Turkey,” but insisted that any decision on Gulen will be taken on the basis of legal, and not political considerations.

We fully anticipate that there will be questions raised about Mr Gulen, and obviously we invite the government of Turkey to present us with any legitimate evidence that withstands scrutiny and the United States will accept that and look at it and make judgments appropriately and I am confident there will be some discussion about that,” Kerry told reporters during his trip to Luxembourg.

Gülen, a cleric, was a political ally of Tayyip Erdogan when he was Turkey’s Prime Minister, but the two fell out and became bitter rivals. Ankara accuses Gülen of creating a “parallel state” in the form of a network of supporters among Turkish officials. Erdogan accused Gülen of masterminding a corruption scandal involving senior government figures in 2013, and launched a crackdown against his organization.

Emmanuel Goldstein was a character in George Orwell’s 1984, who allegedly led a secret opposition movement against the oppressive government. Like Gulen, he was once a member of the party’s inner-circle.

As the story progresses, it then becomes unclear if Goldstein actually exists, or if he was created by the party as a necessary boogieman which gives them an excuse to implement extreme, oppressive policy.

Fethullah Gulen

Fethullah Gulen


Emmanuel Goldstein

As I said earlier today, I think it is extremely likely that the recent coup was orchastrated by the Erdogan government in order to make him appear as a hero, and to give him carte blanche to further consolidate power and purge any elements of the military he finds distasteful.

As it turns out, this is the view of the majority of anti-Erdogan Turks as well. Giving further credence to this theory is the fact that many or most of the troops involved in the “coup” thought it was a training exercise, which would explain why they stood down as soon as people resisted.


Soldiers arrested for participating in an attempted military coup in Turkey told interrogators that they thought they were on exercises when the attempt began, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported.

The group consisting of 10 officers and 67 soldiers was arrested at the Ataturk international airport in Istanbul.

During interrogation, they said they mistook the coup attempt for a training exercise.

“Only when people started to climb the tanks did we realize what was really going on,” one of the detainees was quoted as saying by the newspaper.

Erdogan is already calling the failed coup a “gift from Allah.”


He returned from 6 hours of exile to a cheering crowd of a hundred thousand people, creating an iconic image of the people’s hero.


“This uprising is a gift from God to us because this will be a reason to cleanse our army,” President Recep Taiyp Erdogan stated earlier on Friday night, addressing a large and desperate crowd of his supporters.

The overnight coup attempt has been the latest, but not the first, in a string of Turkish military uprisings throughout the decades, exposing the complicated relationship between the army’s leadership and Islamist-leaning President Erdogan.

The idea that this Gülen figure wouldn’t have been under heavy surveillance in the US is ridiculous. Of course he would have been. Planning a remote coup would have been completely impossible.

And Turkey isn’t even requesting extradition.

Will they make such a request?

What will happen when the US investigates?

Of course, if the US does investigate, and finds that this is idiotic, he can just say the US is lying to protect him. He’s already forming that narrative, as you can see. He won’t stop being a US ally, but he’s regularly insulted and threatened his White allies. Every other week he is threatening to flood Europe with “migrants” if they don’t bend to his will.

Please read my article on why I believe this was a staged event. In the meantime, I will be looking for English language sources from Turks and Arabs making this same claim.