Turkey Tells US to Stop Arming Kurds – US Says “Okay Then”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2018

Right now it appears that the best possible solution to the Kurdish problem – that is, the problem of Jews using Kurdish terrorists to attempt to kick-start another civil war in Syria – has happened.

Turkey has told the US to stop training, arming and funding these terrorists, and the US has agreed.

Turkey has also told US troops to leave the area. It’s not clear if they’ll be doing that just yet.

But wow – big step here. Trump lol


The US told Ankara it will not deliver any more weapons to the Syrian Kurdish PYD/YPG fighters, Turkish media report. The news comes as the Turkish operation ‘Olive Branch’ in northern Syria has entered its eighth day.

Turkish Presidential Spokesman Ibrahim Kalin and US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster held a phone call on Friday evening, Anadolu news agency said. McMaster confirmed that Washington would no longer provide weapons to fighters of the Kurdish People’s Protection units (YPG) and the Democratic Union Party (PYD).

Later on Saturday Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Washington should immediately withdraw from northern Syria’s Manbij region, located some 100 km from Afrin. Speaking to reporters, the top official said that the US should take steps to end its support of the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia.

This is not the first time the US has promised to stop supporting Kurdish militias in Syria with arms: In December 2017, US Defense Secretary James Mattis made a statement to similar effect. Asked if the US indeed intends to halt its arming of the Kurdish forces in Syria, Mattis said, “Yes.” However, at that time Washington did not release any clear statement of the White House’s position on that matter.

Well, it doesn’t really matter if they’re lying or not.

What the signal here is is that they’re not going to stand and fight with the terrorists against Turkey. So they can now easily be cleaned out by Turkey, and if they need help, by Russia.

This was a major Jew play to once again get a war going against Assad, and it looked briefly like Tillerson was signaling that he wanted to go along with it. But apparently, he’s been overridden.

To be honest with you, I get more nervous when a Jewish plot is thwarted than I do when they introduce a new one. Because these people are being backed up against a wall. Russia is overseeing Iran building bases in Syria, and if that plan were allowed to continue to fruition, it would eventually mean the destruction of Israel. And there is zero chance that the Jews will not start up a third world war, by any means necessary, if they feel they are out of options.

Of course, there exists the possibility that Donald Trump can solidify his power in the US and simply refuse to participate in a world war for the Jews. That remains in the realm of possibility. The Jews may also be able to negotiate some kind of a thing with Russia to keep large Iranian bases out of Syria, which would prolong the situation for a while.

But the Kurdistan bit is probably over now.

And the Iranian revolution thing didn’t work out too well.

So something is coming.

Possibly a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia…?