Turkey Votes “Yes”: Erdogan is the Sultan Now

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 16, 2017

Well, there’s this then.

Good for him.


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has declared victory in the referendum on Turkey’s constitutional reform package. With most of the ballots opened, over 51 percent of voters have supported expanding the powers of president.

The head of Turkey’s Electoral Board has confirmed the result of the referendum, saying the “yes” vote has won.

The final results of the plebiscite on amending the constitution to significantly expand the country’s presidential powers are to be announced in 11 or 12 days, he said.

Erdogan said that unofficial results of the plebiscite showed that around 25 million people said ‘yes’ to the constitutional amendments, beating the ‘no’ vote by 1.3 million.

He called the ‘yes’ vote a historic decision by the Turkish people, expressing hope that it will benefit the country.

“Turkey for the first time in its history has decided with the will of the parliament and its people on such an important change. For the first time in the history of the Republic, we are changing our ruling system through civil politics. That is why it is very significant,” he said.

Turks living abroad have played a major part in the success of the referendum, which will pave the way for one of the most important reforms in the country’s history, Erdogan said.

The President also addressed the international community, saying that everyone should respect the decision of the Turkish people, especially those countries which call themselves Ankara’s allies.

Erdogan said he will “immediately” discuss the issue of restoring the death penalty with the Prime Minister and the leader of the Nationalist Movement Party. Erdogan said the step is necessary to punish the plotters of the failed coup last summer.

But if he’s the Sultan now, then that means…